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View Full Version : Wanna get away...

02-12-2007, 10:02 AM

Maybe Gilbert should follow the advise of the Southwest Commercial.

02-15-2007, 03:53 PM
sorry for being ignorant to basketball , but what happened to him, why the face , please let me know so I can laugh too! thanks

02-15-2007, 04:16 PM
Although I don't know when the picture was taken - my guess was during the Blazers game a few nights ago. Arenas came out and said that he wanted to "drop 50 on them" and scored a total of 9 points (I think) and got benched for crappy defense.......then blasted Coach Jordan in the media...appears they have kissed and made up at this point. I suspect they are just starting to appreciate what Jamison did for that team now that he is hurt.

02-15-2007, 04:22 PM
maybe next time he'll keep his mouth shut , or maybe he should lower his number just a tad ...... thanks for sharing , that is funny !