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View Full Version : Game Worn Jersey Cards....No Good

11-08-2020, 06:22 PM
For years I’ve known and believed that many supposed “game worn jersey” cards were no good. Now for the first time I have iron clad proof that at least one Peyton Manning jersey card is worthless. Take a look.....


11-09-2020, 02:53 PM
Great job! Enjoyed listening!

11-09-2020, 11:34 PM
Excellent video, thanks for sharing!

11-12-2020, 12:14 PM
Great video and great work!

11-16-2020, 12:59 PM
Kudos and thanks for sharing ...i actually own quite a few game used cards and have always been skeptical . One card company makes 1 of 1 cards randomly inserted and have the nike collar tags that you can clearly read the words made in honduras , and they state on back as an event worn jersey . Basically the player throws on a retail jersey while signing his name on the cards and the card company chops it up . Sad to think the collectors buy into this . I also own over 100 patriots jerseys so i don't just collect cards . Thanks again for the very informative video

11-16-2020, 04:59 PM
First of all, I also doubt the authenticity of many of these rubbish cards.
Nonetheless, one thought came to my mind - as you know for sure, it is not uncommon for some players to wear more than one jersey per game.

So in general to say here is THE jersey someone wore in a Game, sometimes it could just be ONE jersey the person wore there.
Maybe they even wore one additional jersey just for a company to chop it up.
I saw two jerseys from one game at an auction in the past.

I know you said you spoke to various people, but often players or coaches (and even the equipment guys when it is outside of their job) couldn‘t care less what happens to the uniforms later on. So that is not a 100 percent security either.

One way to prove my theory wrong would be to photo-/videomatch your jersey to every quarter of said game as I doubt they change gear during play action.

Greetings from Germany,


11-16-2020, 07:06 PM
I have to add that of course in Football it is not as easy or as common to change jerseys during game break or at halftime as it is in Basketball for example. But I think my point is clear.

11-16-2020, 07:53 PM
My jersey is photomatched to every quarter and after the game as well. My research is iron clad.