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View Full Version : Spam posters

09-24-2021, 01:20 PM
I just banned a spammer who had 10 logins to the site. (all logins starting with Andreas%).

Removed all the posts too.

I'm not sure how we are regulating new members anymore but if we have open borders
there only so much we can do with a pony and lasso.

09-24-2021, 10:05 PM
Great work, David.

I hope these drillrods get the message, but I wouldn't bet my mortgage on it.

Still, I'm glad to see you have them on the run.

Dave Miedema

09-24-2021, 11:00 PM
Wow. General sports discussion section was a cesspool!

09-24-2021, 11:19 PM
General sports discussions is now scrubbed.

Must have banned about 50 bogus users.

Please report any other spam to Admin. thanks!