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View Full Version : Is there a bat price guide?

04-14-2007, 09:31 PM
Hi...I'm looking a a Tris Speaker Autograph model bat, but need to know if it's the "steal" I think it is....any advice would be appreciated...thanks,

04-14-2007, 11:37 PM
There's a bunch of factors that can cause variances in the value of a Tris Speaker bat. First is the model number.. 40TS, 125, 250 etc... then the length and then the condition..

If its a signature model 40TS in excellent condition and 34" or longer, its probably worth 500-600 or so.. Speaker bats arent the easiest to find. If you post some pictures, it would be easier to value. 125 and 250's would be worth more. Then a hand turned 125 would be the best.

Good luck!

04-15-2007, 08:09 AM
thanks....it's on ebay ..