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View Full Version : Another Piece Of Work... Ebayer (flipsvr)

05-20-2007, 11:26 AM
this guy has absolutely no shame as i'm sure some of you guys have already picked up on - he ranks right up there with lamby. so let's play a game - how many things can you find wrong with flip's "ORIGINAL VINTAGE 1960'S RIDDELL TK SUSPENSION HELMET".


http://cgi.ebay.com/1960s-DALLAS-COWBOYS-VINTAGE-SUSPENSION-HELMET_W0QQitemZ170112852624QQihZ007QQcategoryZ868 28QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

05-20-2007, 05:32 PM
Not exactly sure what's wrong with this helmet currently on Ebay, but I've been told by several experts that this Ebay User is flat our selling 100%FAKE helmets!

05-20-2007, 11:02 PM
Perhaps you can be less coy, and provide some facts. I'd also be interested in some background on you as you seem to have just joined but seem to have pretty good NFL helmet knowledge.

05-21-2007, 11:07 AM
agree - I know a decent amount about jerseys but almost nothing on helmets, so I'd like to know the issues with this piece as well for future reference

always looking for Notre Dame memorabilia

05-21-2007, 01:13 PM
Perhaps you can be less coy, and provide some facts. I'd also be interested in some background on you as you seem to have just joined but seem to have pretty good NFL helmet knowledge.

coy? it's a game... :)

05-21-2007, 02:28 PM
ok, ok, i'll spill the beans...

here's an authentic 12-point suspension helmet - notice how each of the 12 narrow webbing strips are stitched to the outside crown?


now look at flipsvr's suspension unit - no stitching. not only is there no stitching, but many of his helmets have magic marker black dots where the stitching is supposed to be which he uses to line up where he needs to attach the new webbing to the crown. the reason he needs to attach new webbing strips is because the webbing suspension units he pulls out of old helmets are too small for his new, larger "authentic, never been drilled" shells; they would look awkward. the below photo is from one of his previously listed "cowboy" helmets. speaking of cowboy helmets, look at the black dots on his current listing - a helmet which supposedly is authentic and came from a different source than his other helmets....


notice how he also cuts the inner crown suspension to fit his shells? this is one of his "authentic" "colts" helmets.


here's one of his "authentic" redskins helmets...


and an "authentic" oilers helmet...


and an "authentic" saints helmet...


he also forges the helmet number sizes on the inner suspension crowns as seen above (does a pretty crappy job at that), paints impregnated colored shells gray on the inside to make them look authentic and also tries his hand at engraving the manufacturer's logos on the back of some of his helmets.

below is an engraving hack job he did to create a wilson helmet - he got over $300 for this "game-used" forgery...
