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View Full Version : Looking for someone to split the costs to wireimage.com

05-20-2007, 06:14 PM
I have recently looked at wireimages.com and they have a good amount of photo's that gettyimages.com does not.Only problem is that it costs 75$ per month to see any photos they have past a year ago.Also for the money they give you large images with no watermark.I'm looking for someone to split these costs with and share an account for a month.Anyone interested or this is possible?I'd pick up the costs and could be compensated through paypal or however.Upon payment i would give you the username and the password and we could work out a schedule so we aren't logging on at the same time.Maybe this is morally wrong but paying 75$ to try to photomatch some stuff is ridiculous for a small time collector like myself.If anyone is interested please shoot me an email.Thanks

05-21-2007, 11:45 AM
Thanks for the interest i have found someone to split the costs

05-24-2007, 06:04 AM
I also would be interested in a short-term trial run of this photo service. If anyone else would be interested in partnering with me on this venture, please contact me at EndzoneSports@msn.com


05-24-2007, 04:43 PM
I also would be interested in a short-term trial run of this photo service. If anyone else would be interested in partnering with me on this venture, please contact me at EndzoneSports@msn.com

Having come to my senses regarding the ethics of "password sharing", I have reconsidered and decided to withdrawal my offer above.
