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View Full Version : How many BP/Warmup Jerseys are used each season (Twins?)

05-31-2007, 06:44 PM
I know we've talked about the large number of jerseys that players go though every year compared to what they used to use. Does anyone know how many warmup/BP jerseys players use each year? I know it must vary by team and player. I'm specifically wondering about the Twins since I've seen a few at the Proshops, but any input is appreciated. Thanks guys.


05-31-2007, 07:12 PM
I'm guessing two. When I was at the A's fanfest I seem to remember seeing two Frank Thomas and two Bobby Crosby BP's. However, the A's use their BP's for spring training as well as the same type for BP during the season, so one could have been a spring jersey and the other the full season BP. I could be wrong but thats what I remember seeing last year.
