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View Full Version : Why hasn't someting been done about Lou Lampson?

06-27-2007, 04:05 PM

Sorry for my ignorance, but from everything I read about Lou Lampson, why is he able to continue to authenticate and why hasn't something been done against him?

With all I read, I would think something could be done.

Any thoughts?


06-27-2007, 05:12 PM
"why is he able to continue to authenticate"

- apparently there's still a market for his services

- there is no governing body in this hobby, similar to the FTC, FCC or FDA, to impose any sort of ban, sanction, or fine.

- any litigation that he may have already incurred has apparently not been substantial enough to cause him to find a new profession

"why hasn't something been done against him"

what's to say something hasn't?

"I would think something could be done"

if you feel you've incurred a loss as a result of mal/non/misfeasance from lou's end, you can pursue appropriate legal action against him.

similarly, if you find a substantially large number of individuals in similar positions and feel that individual lawsuits would be impractical, you may choose to pursue a class-action suit in an attempt to litigate every last breath out of him until he's left as nothing more than a sobbing, cowering, broken heap of a man barely able to summon the strength to wake up each morning.

if you've incurred nothing more than disgust then you're free to refrain from bidding on any lampson-authenticated items. if enough people follow your lead, then demand for lampson's services will drop substantially and may force him to seek alternate employment in another industry that has yet to experience his magic.


06-27-2007, 06:09 PM
"why is he able to continue to authenticate"

- apparently there's still a market for his services

- there is no governing body in this hobby, similar to the FTC, FCC or FDA, to impose any sort of ban, sanction, or fine.

- any litigation that he may have already incurred has apparently not been substantial enough to cause him to find a new profession

"why hasn't something been done against him"

what's to say something hasn't?

"I would think something could be done"

if you feel you've incurred a loss as a result of mal/non/misfeasance from lou's end, you can pursue appropriate legal action against him.

similarly, if you find a substantially large number of individuals in similar positions and feel that individual lawsuits would be impractical, you may choose to pursue a class-action suit in an attempt to litigate every last breath out of him until he's left as nothing more than a sobbing, cowering, broken heap of a man barely able to summon the strength to wake up each morning.

if you've incurred nothing more than disgust then you're free to refrain from bidding on any lampson-authenticated items. if enough people follow your lead, then demand for lampson's services will drop substantially and may force him to seek alternate employment in another industry that has yet to experience his magic.



As always, thanks for your comments.

06-27-2007, 07:46 PM
With the FDA, you'd at least know your authenticators were pasteurized.

06-27-2007, 08:45 PM
Pasteurization is important for those collectors getting milked on their purchases. :)