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07-10-2007, 09:35 PM
Whats with chicks these days? When my girlfriend first walked into my room, the very first words that came out of her mouth slowly were....."OH......MY........GOD".....:D and now she won't stop bugging me to sell everything so that (what she says) we can "get a house" with all the stuff I have................yeah right :rolleyes: ........I told her that my addiction was as much as hers to make-up but she still doesn't get it and wants me to sell every single bit. I told her that when we get a house someday in the future, that I would put all of my stuff in the basement to make a sports room but she said that she'd rather throw everything out. Also, she keeps telling me how dumb I am about this broken bat that I have which someone offered me a few hundred dollars for (which I turned down) and she doesn't understand why I chose a broken bat over $300. Chicks just don't get it!

07-10-2007, 10:13 PM
Its a tough problem buddy That is why they say men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
Good Luck:D

07-10-2007, 10:45 PM
"..so that (what she says) we can "get a house..""

a house in this market? doesn't she know the ARMs haven't really begun to start poppin'?

is she pressuring you to one of those no doc/no down/interest only deals? she's probably been watching too much russ whitney.


07-10-2007, 11:12 PM
Oh they never get it either. On a daily basis, my GF always pesters me about it and how selling a few items could pay for our vacation (aparently she's not into going to the National in Cleveland as a vacation! :) I actually try not to discuss the hobby with her anymore as it tends to do more harm than good. In all fairness however, she DID buy me two game worn jerseys for valentines day last year so as I see it, she is only contributing to the madness!!!

07-11-2007, 08:14 AM
I'm not telling you what to do but you know how rare some pieces of GU memoribilia are and well, quite frankly there are alot of other fish in the sea! :)

07-11-2007, 09:28 AM
"..so that (what she says) we can "get a house..""

a house in this market? doesn't she know the ARMs haven't really begun to start poppin'?

is she pressuring you to one of those no doc/no down/interest only deals? she's probably been watching too much russ whitney.



07-11-2007, 11:02 AM
Kyle....run ...run away....run away fast...run away fast and don't look back!

You're in for a long prison term, my friend!

07-11-2007, 11:30 AM
Whats with chicks these days? When my girlfriend first walked into my room, the very first words that came out of her mouth slowly were....."OH......MY........GOD".....:D and now she won't stop bugging me to sell everything so that (what she says) we can "get a house" with all the stuff I have................yeah right :rolleyes: ........I told her that my addiction was as much as hers to make-up but she still doesn't get it and wants me to sell every single bit. I told her that when we get a house someday in the future, that I would put all of my stuff in the basement to make a sports room but she said that she'd rather throw everything out. Also, she keeps telling me how dumb I am about this broken bat that I have which someone offered me a few hundred dollars for (which I turned down) and she doesn't understand why I chose a broken bat over $300. Chicks just don't get it!

Ask her what one of her tubes of lipstick and mascara would fetch on the open market. After all, if you're dating, there shouldn't be any need to smear yourself up with that junk...

At least you're dealing with something tangible though. Given the choice between blowing money on a product that gets used up like a wife or something that remains like gold, silver, or jerseys, what's it going to be?

07-11-2007, 03:09 PM
IIRC, aren't you still in high school? All girlfriend positions should be considered as part-time/temporary until you're at least 25...better yet, 30!
BTW, if she's talking about you two buying a house the first time she sees your room, she isn't looking at you as part time help!

I didn't meet my wife until I was 35, and she was 27. Twelve years later, we're still together, and the founding phrase of our relationship still applies:
OK, whatever! (BTW, she doesn't get the hobby, either...another great reason to maintain separate, as well as joint, accounts! :D

07-11-2007, 04:43 PM
You gotta cut that one loose brother!

Any woman who can't accept you and your hobbies isn't worth having and will only get worse in time.

07-11-2007, 05:06 PM
IIRC, aren't you still in high school? All girlfriend positions should be considered as part-time/temporary until you're at least 25...better yet, 30!
BTW, if she's talking about you two buying a house the first time she sees your room, she isn't looking at you as part time help!

I didn't meet my wife until I was 35, and she was 27. Twelve years later, we're still together, and the founding phrase of our relationship still applies:
OK, whatever! (BTW, she doesn't get the hobby, either...another great reason to maintain separate, as well as joint, accounts! :D

Well she told me before that she wanted to marry me in the future and she even told me that she wanted me to propose to her before the end of the year :eek: .....even though it won't come THAT quick, I still think she's the "one".


07-11-2007, 05:26 PM
Well she told me before that she wanted to marry me in the future and she even told me that she wanted me to propose to her before the end of the year :eek: .....even though it won't come THAT quick, I still think she's the "one".

What about college? Other girls go to college, ya know? You will laugh at this post by October. Promise.;)

07-11-2007, 05:31 PM
What about college? Other girls go to college, ya know? You will laugh at this post by October. Promise.;)

Well I'm not even sure yet if I can go to college. I don't even know when I'm finishing high school! :D .....I graduate in either '09 or '10

07-11-2007, 09:20 PM

For whatever it's worth, here are my two cents, though I am not sure what point I am going to make... it's just a brain-dump.

I am married now for 7 years. I was married once before, also for 7 years. In comparing these last 7 years of my life to the former, there are some glaring differences... and your original post made me think about all of this.

There were several reasons why the first marriage didn't work. For starters, we were pretty much all wrong for one another. Our personalities were like oil and water... but we were young, and in love, and kind of blinded by it all. I'm not saying that getting married young is a bad thing -- it does work for some, but I know I for one was too young to handle the complicated issues of marriage, and if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would have waited another few years until I was ready. Would I have made the same mistake? Maybe, maybe not... but at least I would have been more mentally prepared. The next thing that relates to this thread was how resentful she was of my hobbies and interests.
If she wasn't a part of it, it was a bad thing in her mind... and continuously discouraged me from participating... whether it be my sports, my collecting, etc.

My wife, on the other hand, is always encouraging. I do admit that I have a lot of personal interests, probably too many for a family guy, but I do what I do out of either love for the hobby or talent for the game. Notably, she is the reason why I am bowling an extra night a week this year (fyi, I am a top local bowler though I probably never mentioned it here), why I own specific jerseys in my collection (despite my own hemming & hawing over them), and has spent several nights helping me map out my sports room. I know that her "encouragement" for me to participate more in my hobbies in the end means less time for "us" but I think she gets genuine enjoyment out of helping me fulfill a passion of mine (or two). Though, even she has her limits -- she absolutely despises my rainbow Astros jerseys, my yellow & brown Padres throwbacks, my gold Pirates jerseys, and anything I own that's orange (2003 Mets BP, 1987 Orioles alternate, 1982 Giants alternate, etc)!!! I suppose that everyone out there must have their breaking point.

07-12-2007, 11:44 AM

Here is my two cents worth thake for what it is worth. It sounds like you are in love with this young lady and all you can see hearts. You are young and you have your whole life ahead of you so choose wisely in the paths you choose. But 1st finish high school then go to college or if college is not for you and it is not for everyone go to trade school and learn a trade. It seems to me that you are good with your hands and with computers. You have a world of possiblities ahead of you just be careful and don't put any road blocks in front of you.
There is my 2cents for you take it for what it is worth. One last question is she a Braves fan??

07-12-2007, 11:56 AM
Well I'm not even sure yet if I can go to college. I don't even know when I'm finishing high school! :D .....I graduate in either '09 or '10Here's my position on this. If you're as young as it seems you are and you have the money to spend on this stuff, you must be part of an affluent family. If this is the case, girls are disposable. They flock to families with money. I say, continue the hobby and she either lives with it or takes off. You'll get over her. Remember, she may be cute and young now, but some day she'll be a dominant batlle ax that hardly resembles the sweet young thing you once knew.

07-12-2007, 01:48 PM
Thanks guys. I do plan on finishing high school but it's actually some of the teachers that are in my way. My counsilor told me to visit my school's graduation coach to figure out the fastest possible way to get out of high school and to earn all my credits, and I went to her and she immediately told me that I need to drop out and get my GED (so much for graduation coaching),,,but I just ignored her so now I just have to pass everything for the next 2 years to graduate early (seems hard, but worth a try).

07-12-2007, 02:01 PM
Well I'm not even sure yet if I can go to college. I don't even know when I'm finishing high school! :D .....I graduate in either '09 or '10

They got you on some kind of flex plan down there?

07-12-2007, 02:03 PM
Well she told me before that she wanted to marry me in the future and she even told me that she wanted me to propose to her before the end of the year :eek: .....even though it won't come THAT quick, I still think she's the "one".


You won't know if she's the "one" until you've conducted lengthy and intense (and sometimes brief, and even more intense) interviews with, say, 10-20 more candidates! :D


07-12-2007, 02:31 PM
Hang in there kyle.....I had the same problem a year ago. I had a relationship that I thought was going great until she saw my collection and how much money I was spending. She thought I should be saving and spending it on her. I quickly saw a ton of her bad side and that she was something I couldnt deal with.......you can't let people tear you away from what you love. I am in high school too (heading into my senior year) so I have more things to be worrying about than my g-friend wanting more attention. In your case if you say that she is "the one" then that is something you truly have to work out. Relationships always have their problems, you just have work through them. BTW see you in Atlanta next month when my giants take down your braves!!!!!


07-12-2007, 02:34 PM
They got you on some kind of flex plan down there?

Nope, I just have missing credits. If I pass every single class for the next 2 years, and do this computer-class for an hour after school each day to earn another 2 credits, then I can graduate in 2009. If I fail 1 class, then it's extended to 2010.

07-12-2007, 02:35 PM
Hang in there kyle.....I had the same problem a year ago. I had a relationship that I thought was going great until she saw my collection and how much money I was spending. She thought I should be saving and spending it on her. I quickly saw a ton of her bad side and that she was something I couldnt deal with.......you can't let people tear you away from what you love. I am in high school too (heading into my senior year) so I have more things to be worrying about than my g-friend wanting more attention. In your case if you say that she is "the one" then that is something you truly have to work out. Relationships always have their problems, you just have work through them. BTW see you in Atlanta next month when my giants take down your braves!!!!!


Well she was probably just a golddigger :D ......I asked my gf about that and she said that she would never want to be any type of golddigger (thankfully,,,,,,,as long as it's true).........and yea I'll see you next month,,,I'll be wearing the asterisk t-shirt and holding up the asterisk signs ;)

07-12-2007, 02:39 PM
hahaha ok I'll be looking forward to it. Good Luck with everything bro.


07-12-2007, 07:10 PM

If she's meant to be the 'one', then wait until after HS and college to get hitched. Everyone on the board here who went to college will attest that you learn a lot about who you are, and what you are really looking for in a woman during your time there. If the relationship survives college, or you take a break and realize there's no doubt she is the one, then by all means proceed. But don't give up college for her - you'll be cheating both of you in the long run. College is way more valuable beyond that sheet of paper framed on the wall. Just my two cents.

01-05-2010, 01:35 AM
So kyle how did this work out for you? Did you graduate? You still with the same girl? Or did you heed the advice of the less fortunate?

01-05-2010, 02:42 AM
So kyle how did this work out for you? Did you graduate? You still with the same girl? Or did you heed the advice of the less fortunate?

WOAH......this post is an oldie! :D

Well, in January 2008 I dropped out of high school and got my G.E.D. in April. I enrolled into college in August and I'm going to graduate from that college this year. Afterwards I plan on attending another college. Unlike high school, I never got a grade lower than a C, and I've maintained a 3.0 GPA, so college is a lot easier for me, especially since I can be taught what I want to be taught. I'm hoping to get into a college with a good athletic program. College baseball is what I look forward to playing someday. It's my dream right now to get into UGA. They just set a record with having like 12 or 13 players drafted in 2009.

As for the girl....well she was a B*TCH!!! I moved on to someone else, who I've been with on and off since April of 2008.

Thanks for digging this old thread up! I never realized how much has changed since then.

01-05-2010, 06:55 AM
WOAH......this post is an oldie! :D

Well, in January 2008 I dropped out of high school and got my G.E.D. in April. I enrolled into college in August and I'm going to graduate from that college this year. Afterwards I plan on attending another college. Unlike high school, I never got a grade lower than a C, and I've maintained a 3.0 GPA, so college is a lot easier for me, especially since I can be taught what I want to be taught. I'm hoping to get into a college with a good athletic program. College baseball is what I look forward to playing someday. It's my dream right now to get into UGA. They just set a record with having like 12 or 13 players drafted in 2009.

As for the girl....well she was a B*TCH!!! I moved on to someone else, who I've been with on and off since April of 2008.

Thanks for digging this old thread up! I never realized how much has changed since then.

Congrats on the academic success in college. Follow your dreams, and I hope you play college ball. We'll be rooting for you.

01-05-2010, 11:34 AM
You gotta cut that one loose brother!

Any woman who can't accept you and your hobbies isn't worth having and will only get worse in time.

I was just thinking that ! And yes, it will get progressively worse over time. You know what gets me, is how these chics know what this stuff is worth, and still want to throw it out. Unreal ! I have dated several women over the last few years, and i can usually tell by their initial reaction how they are going to be. And yes, they never get better. They only get worse !!!!!!!!!!

01-05-2010, 11:57 AM
WOAH......this post is an oldie! :D

Well, in January 2008 I dropped out of high school and got my G.E.D. in April. I enrolled into college in August and I'm going to graduate from that college this year. Afterwards I plan on attending another college. Unlike high school, I never got a grade lower than a C, and I've maintained a 3.0 GPA, so college is a lot easier for me, especially since I can be taught what I want to be taught. I'm hoping to get into a college with a good athletic program. College baseball is what I look forward to playing someday. It's my dream right now to get into UGA. They just set a record with having like 12 or 13 players drafted in 2009.

As for the girl....well she was a B*TCH!!! I moved on to someone else, who I've been with on and off since April of 2008.

Thanks for digging this old thread up! I never realized how much has changed since then.

I was going through the archives and saw this one and got curious about what happened. So hows your collection? Better then in 07 I assume?

01-05-2010, 12:30 PM
College baseball is what I look forward to playing someday. It's my dream right now to get into UGA.

UGA must be a tough lineup to crack, watched them in the '08 college world series, they were a great team that year! What position do you play?

Maybe one day the Kyle Hess game worn jersey will be in demand on this forum..

01-05-2010, 07:46 PM
Maybe one day the Kyle Hess game worn jersey will be in demand on this forum..

Here, Here! For all the people he's helped on this board, I'd think that would be a highly sought after item.

Let's hope one day we're all asking him for one. Dibs on the first one he photomatches. :p

01-05-2010, 10:24 PM
haha....well if you guys may remember, I did put my own game used bat on eBay back in 2008. It sold for $26 to a forum member

sincityson - I mainly play outfield. Centerfield preferred, but I have more experience in both left & right.

ivy610 - OH ya! Definitely bigger. My room is flooded with equipment, while back in 2007 I only had a few jerseys on my wall. I know I have an old pic of my room in 2007. I'll try to make a before & after pic.