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07-23-2007, 03:31 PM
As I sit here and watch Barry Bonds get ready to become the new HomeRun King I wonder where Barry will play next season, I feel that is will be in the American league as a DH. I don't think he will be a Yankee, RedSox, A or an Angel. I have a feeling we may see Barry in a Devil Ray uniform next season. Just a thought;)

07-23-2007, 03:46 PM
Hopefully retired. I hate seeing poor Barry lash out any more. Life's gotta be rough when you expect the whole world to kiss your a$$.

07-23-2007, 03:55 PM
Hopefully retired. I hate seeing poor Barry lash out any more. Life's gotta be rough when you expect the whole world to kiss your a$$.

He won't retire. He'll want to pile up as many homers as he can, knowing that Arod is right behind him.

07-23-2007, 04:15 PM
Please, oh please don't let Barry's traveling medicine wagon park outside of my beloved Yankees or Nationals doorstep. Take that snake oil elsewhere!

07-23-2007, 04:24 PM
Not in SF. Mgmt didn't want him this year except for the fact of the HR record. He only needs about 95 hits to get 3000. I'm sure he would try for that. I wouldn't be surprised if he lands as a DH somewhere in Ca, maybe Seattle.

07-23-2007, 04:35 PM
I'm also thinking somewhere in CA - maybe the California Penal League. He will be joining teammate Greg Anderson. Isn't that the same league Ricky Vaugn played in?

07-23-2007, 06:05 PM
If he shrinks after retirement like McGwire, Bonds must know that people will use that as proof he was on steroids/HGH when playing. I wonder if Bonds will work hard to keep his bulk (including head) even after he's retired.

07-23-2007, 06:14 PM

07-23-2007, 08:52 PM
As I sit here and watch Barry Bonds get ready to become the new HomeRun King I wonder where Barry will play next season, I feel that is will be in the American league as a DH. I don't think he will be a Yankee, RedSox, A or an Angel. I have a feeling we may see Barry in a Devil Ray uniform next season. Just a thought;)

Who cares.

07-23-2007, 08:56 PM
Not in SF. Mgmt didn't want him this year except for the fact of the HR record. He only needs about 95 hits to get 3000. I'm sure he would try for that. I wouldn't be surprised if he lands as a DH somewhere in Ca, maybe Seattle.

Good point.

I would love to see Barry across the Bay as DH for the A's!


07-23-2007, 10:34 PM
If he shrinks after retirement like McGwire, Bonds must know that people will use that as proof he was on steroids/HGH when playing. I wonder if Bonds will work hard to keep his bulk (including head) even after he's retired.

Okay, I know what I am going to say is going to start a huge debate and I am ready for it...and by no means am I a Bonds fan but here is what I have to say about the whole steriod issue...So if you went to GNC and you asked the guy about a muscle enhancer and he showed you a few things but told you that this one over here works the best, most likely you are going to go buy the one that works the best right?? Of course you are. In 2001 lets say Bonds did take steriods, they were not against MLB policy, so really he did nothing wrong under the MLB rules. He was just taking the best stuff out there to enhance his strength, just like anyone else would do at GNC. Yea it is against the law, but so is smoking pot and drinking and driving. When players get caught doing that, do they talk about taking away records? Of course not. I see nothing wrong with it, since it was not against MLB policy at the time. Since steriod testing has been in effect, he has not tested positive once, and I am sure he is the most tested player in the league. I know everyone is going to stay that he is cheating, but how are you going to say that is cheating but taking any other supplement is not cheating. They both enchance your strength, just that one works better then the other. Please let me know your thoughts.

07-23-2007, 10:43 PM
The problem with your argument is that the players themselves know taking steroids is cheating.

If there was nothing wrong with taking steroids and it wasn't against the rules, then why do players refuse to admit to taking steroids back then?

Ask Harmon Killebrew if taking steroids is cheating. Ask Hank Aaron. They'll tell you if taking steroids is cheating.

07-23-2007, 10:48 PM

07-23-2007, 10:51 PM
The problem with your argument is that the players themselves know taking steroids is cheating.

If there was nothing wrong with taking steroids and it wasn't against the rules, then why do players refuse to admit to taking steroids back then?

Ask Harmon Killebrew if taking steroids is cheating. Ask Hank Aaron. They'll tell you if taking steroids is cheating.

Why are steriods cheating and other supplements not? They didn't have cell tech or anything else like that in their era? Again, he was just taking the best stuff available to him. Just like anyone else would do at GNC or what have you.

No one admits to it because it is against the law. If you ask a player if he smokes pot, of course he is going to say no.

It isn't like taking steriods make you hit the ball, you still have to see the ball, and react in a split second.

07-23-2007, 11:19 PM
Why are steriods cheating and other supplements not? They didn't have cell tech or anything else like that in their era? Again, he was just taking the best stuff available to him. Just like anyone else would do at GNC or what have you.

No one admits to it because it is against the law. If you ask a player if he smokes pot, of course he is going to say no.

It isn't like taking steriods make you hit the ball, you still have to see the ball, and react in a split second. 1. Steroids make you stronger. 2. Being stronger enables you to control the bat better and swing it harder. 3. If you are a major league batter you already have superior hand eye coordination. Hence, you already can make contact with a baseball only now that you are doing it aided by an illegal performance enhancing drug, thus, you are doing it with more ferocity 4. It is making a mockery of the record book and breaking the records held by cleaner players that has fans up in arms. 5. Smoking pot never assisted anyone in hitting more home runs.
There are 5 very good reasons why people don't like what is going on. I can come up with many more but it is past midnight, I am old and tired and I'm going to bed. GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!!!

07-23-2007, 11:21 PM
Okay, I know what I am going to say is going to start a huge debate and I am ready for it...and by no means am I a Bonds fan but here is what I have to say about the whole steriod issue...So if you went to GNC and you asked the guy about a muscle enhancer and he showed you a few things but told you that this one over here works the best, most likely you are going to go buy the one that works the best right?? Of course you are. In 2001 lets say Bonds did take steriods, they were not against MLB policy, so really he did nothing wrong under the MLB rules. He was just taking the best stuff out there to enhance his strength, just like anyone else would do at GNC. Yea it is against the law, but so is smoking pot and drinking and driving. When players get caught doing that, do they talk about taking away records? Of course not. I see nothing wrong with it, since it was not against MLB policy at the time. Since steriod testing has been in effect, he has not tested positive once, and I am sure he is the most tested player in the league. I know everyone is going to stay that he is cheating, but how are you going to say that is cheating but taking any other supplement is not cheating. They both enchance your strength, just that one works better then the other. Please let me know your thoughts.

The reason that Barry Bonds and many of the other players who have been suspected of taking steroids have never been caught is that they are always smart enough to stay a couple of years ahead of available technology for detecting illegal substances.

Ask any baseball insider and they will tell you that since MLB and WADA freely admit that there is no reliable test for HGH even though blood tests are supposedly accurate, the fact remains that MLB has no blood testing authority as the players union won't go for it, and as a result anybody who has made the decision to cheat or attempt to cheat the system is using HGH. The only players that have been caught using steroids other than Palmeiro have been no names or minor leaguers who are either too poor or too dumb to figure this process out.

Everybody keeps using the same tired argument that Barry Bonds never got caught. This of course is true, however if he is smart and I am sure that he is, he would have switched over to HGH long ago when MLB started their testing procedure. The fact that athletes like Bonds have multiple millions of dollars to use the cutting edge products available means that he and other athletes, supposing that they either are cheating or want to cheat will always be a couple of steps ahead of the people charged with catching them.

In terms of everyone continuing to claim that players did not break the laws of baseball if they were using steroids or other illegal drugs prior to 2002, that is just outright not true as you are misinformed. Please see below.

Nov. 18, 1988 - Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988

This law amended the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and created criminal penalties for persons who "distribute or possess anabolic steroids with the intent to distribute for any use in humans other than the treatment of disease based on the order of a physician." Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Pub. L. No. 100-690, Section 4181.

Oct. 5, 1990 - 1990 Anabolic Steroids Control Act

Believing that the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 legislation was insufficient, Congress quickly replaced it with the Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990.

Jun. 7, 1991 – Commissioner Fay Vincent Issues Memo Regarding Steroid Use

After the U.S. Congress raises penalties for steroid possession, Commissioner Fay Vincent sends a memo to each team indicating that steroids would be added to Major League Baseball’s banned list. The memo stated: "The possession, sale or use of any illegal drug or controlled substance by Major League players or personnel is strictly prohibited ... This prohibition applies to all illegal drugs ... including steroids." The seven-page document didn't include a testing plan -- that had to be bargained with the union -- but it did outline treatment and penalties.

According to former MLB Commissioner Fay Vincent, he sent out this memo to all teams in 1991 however the players union fought vehmently against any type of testing and or punishment which effectively tied Vincent and MLB's hands to do anything even if a player was caught by say the federal govt. for buying, selling or distributing steroids. So to say that Bonds or any player that has been accused of taking steroids or other PED's was not breaking the law of baseball prior to 2002 is completely incorrect. If any player was in possession of or using illegal steroids after June of 2002, they were in fact breaking MLB rules, their was simply no policy in effect to test or address the problem because the players union functions for one reason and that is to protect the interest of its members right or wrong in everything that they do and in every element of their lives.

Is MLB to blame for this fiasco. Absolutely as Selig buried his head in the sand as MLB raked in the money over the past 15 years. However the Players Association and Donald Fehr have fought testing at every turn for the past 15 years and only the involvement of Congress has gotten us to where we are today and that is still not good enough so the players association is equally to blame. We the fans are also to blame as we cry foul now about this mess however we willingly pumped money into the MLB machine for the past 15 plus years even as we saw our favorite players balloon up like Mr. Universe and hit ridiculous numbers of home runs. Who cared about steroids, there were homers to be hit and records to be broken. Anybody fans included that did not look at much of what was going on throughout the 90's and into the next century is either really dumb or in denial because it was right in front of our eyes and we turned a blind eye as we continued to feed the system and allow MLB to keep its cash cows in place.

Ultimately, if I was doing something that benefited my ability to perform my job better, however it was against the laws of the Federal Gov't and for some reason was not written into the code of conduct by my employer and I got caught by the Feds; I would expect to suffer whatever fate my employer decided upon, probably including dismissal from my job. The bottom line is, if you try to break the law, you deserve whatever punishment that you get. Trying to circumvent the rules by saying that this action was legal because the company did not have rules in place is complete nonsense when the company did in fact have rules against that type of behavior. the company just was not smart enought to figure out that telling someone that they cannot do something is not going to deter them from not doing it unless there are severe penalties in place if and when they get caught.

I am hoping that Barry Bonds goes away. What we are all forgetting is that in order for Barry to play, somebody will have to be stupid enough to sign him to a contract. Sadly, somebody out there will do just that as they won't be able to resist the traveling media circus that follows Barry everywhere he goes.

I agree that he won't return to San Fran. In fact I would assume that the NL is out of the question unless they roll him out to left field in a motorized wheel chair. He has become such a liability out in Left that the Giants would stand a better chance of defending left field two outfielders instead of Barry bumbling around out there.

07-23-2007, 11:33 PM
Why are steriods cheating and other supplements not? They didn't have cell tech or anything else like that in their era? Again, he was just taking the best stuff available to him. Just like anyone else would do at GNC or what have you.

No one admits to it because it is against the law. If you ask a player if he smokes pot, of course he is going to say no.

It isn't like taking steriods make you hit the ball, you still have to see the ball, and react in a split second.

Taking steroids is cheating because the Federal Government and MLB and WADA says it is. Like it or not that is the way it is. Why is speeding against the law, why is smoking pot against the law, we could go on and on. Maybe you personally don't think that steroids are cheating or see any distinction between taking them and say celltek or whey protein or any other number of GNC products. Who knows without being a chemist what influences one product vs another being banned by the govt or MLB. The thing you have to remember is that perhaps Celltek or other types of things like these are in fact banned. Just because somebody is not loading a needle with some type of highly potent anabolic steroid does not mean that they are not taking a banned substance. I don't honestly know what is or is not on the entire list of banned substances by WADA, MLB, the Federal Govt. etc. etc. however many over the counter drugs and substances are on that list. Unless you know for certain that Celltek or other similar products are not then it is impossible to say for certain what is and what is not. The fact is, that you might think that it should be perfectly legal to take PED's or other anabolic steroids. That is your right to think that, it is not however your right to act upon that thought and either purchase, possess or take these substances as the govt playing the parent role has decided that we should not do this.

I don't always agree with all of the Federal Governements laws, however if it is against the law, then it is in everyone's best interest not to break that law or they will potentially face the consequences of those actions.
Are you basically saying that steroids should be legal just because you don't like the fact that they are illegal? That arguement does not really make any sense.

07-24-2007, 12:25 AM
You could really expand this...what about the pitchers who would doctor up the balls? Should some of these HOFers, some in the 300 win club have an asterisk next to their name? Some players have been taking greenies, essentially speed, for years before Bonds was around. Pine tar on the ball, pine tar too high on the bat, that was a joke, scuffing the ball, spitterball artists, vasoline,finger nail files, emory boards, Neikro did that I think, you could go on and on, players always want some type of edge ahead of the other team.

07-24-2007, 01:57 PM
DH IN OAKLAND and play Outfield once in a while.But what about Piazza where would he go if that would happen.

07-24-2007, 04:25 PM
I can't see Oakland intrested in him becuase of the money Bonds would want and I don't see Oakland paying. You might have to look at teams that need an attendance boost the Devil Rays , Royals or even Balitmore. I do belive that he will be playing in the American League and not the National next season.

07-24-2007, 07:22 PM
That will leave out KC and Tampa Bay as these small market teams will never be able to afford him too.

07-24-2007, 07:23 PM
I have to laugh just thinking about Barry Bonds playing for a Midwest team like Kansas City!