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View Full Version : GUU on the Channel 2 News in Northern California

08-07-2007, 12:44 PM
Hello Everyone,

After a long day at the National Convention on Sunday in Cleveland, I didn't get home until after 2:00 a.m. PST (my flight was delayed as was the luggage distribution, etc.). While I hoped I could veg a bit on Monday after a long week at the National it was not meant to be. I received a call early yesterday from a local news network asking if I wouldn't mind doing an interview for East Bay's channel 2 news regarding the potential value of Barry Bonds' 756th home run ball.

I did the interview yesterday and it was aired on the 5 o'clock news (it may also have been aired on the 10 o'clock news but I couldn't say awake long enough to find out). In any event, I think the segment went very well even though I wasn't sure if I would sound articulate given the fact that I was seriously REM deprived. I am trying to get a video clip of the broadcast and I will post it on the site if I get it. It was pretty neat in that they also showed the GUU site and mentioned the forum.

On a separate note, Mike, Rob and I also did a radio broadcast from the National on Friday where we talked about GUU and some of the items in the upcoming auction. I will also provide a link to that broadcast as well if possible.

I hope everyone will enjoy the segments if I'm successful in getting them onto the site.
