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  1. #1
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Stop The Fighting

    To those concerned.

    I am getting tired of acting like a parent separating fighting children.

    That's not how this forum will run. If you cannot abide by the rules of the forum, you will not be allowed to participate.

    It is so unforunate that people cannot control themselves even after numerous warnings.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Re: Stop The Fighting

    I just suspended one user for baiting. I have to say, there are others who very much need to watch their step.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Stop The Fighting


    First, I understand your frustration. I can still remember when even I participated more in the forum, poeple seemed to care about other knowledge.

    Second, having worked in large corporations and 3 of the top Ten in Fortune 500 companies, positive recognition continues to be one of the largest issues employers face with maintaining a stable environement. Same hold for this forum; too much negative makes everyone on pens and needles. It is a lot easier to remember the negative stuff over the positive stuff. Too often Grey Flannel, American Memorabilia, Lou Lampson, etc. etc, are bad mouthed. All of the previously mentioned are bringing something to the hobby, weather it be quality items, or mistakes we can all learn from. In the end, mistakes can be treated as large gains or positives.

    Finally, and to further my two comments above, I spoke this past weekend with 3 unnamed individuals that are what I consider big time collectors and dealers that have been involved in the hobby for years. It sort of pained me to hear that they feel this forum, even though it is full of tremendous knowledge, has no long term legitamacy. Their reason was two fold; first, two many egos competing for the top. Second, the tone of many of the threads is childish. I don't know many of the "frequent" writers on this board, but I find the legitamcy of this board is lost when blurbs about "2 women from somweher are in my bed," poker games, and 3 am dates. What does that bring to the hobby? I am not trying to pick on characters traits or anyone person, but I just don't understand how a forum with that sort of language mixes well with a hobby of game used sports equipment.

    It truely pained me to hear 2 major dealers laugh about this forum when people like Eric and Chris have devoted so much time and effort to make the hobby better. I come back to the forum daily because this is my hobby and I know the knowledge is helpful to me now and later, but I find it hard to post publicly because of the nonsense that must go on.

    If anyone has anything negative to say to anything above, please e-mail me privately!


    Chris Boyd

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Stop The Fighting

    Chris-Nothing negative about what you wrote so I'll post it here-
    This forum,or something like it,will always exist as long as this hobby is around. If big time collectors were overheard saying this forum has no long-term legitimacy-they were probably refering to off topic bickering or inaccurate assessments overtaking the site which won't happen for long.There's no EEOC here, kick trouble makers out. As far as dealers laughing at the forum,that means they're reading every word. If they are basically good but careless dealers they can be heard,at shows and stores,laughing a nervous laugh.Clean up the act,like we have to. If they are flat out dishonest they will be spoken of in a very frank manner here or in the papers,in court,or on Real Sports,etc-and that shouldn't be stopped or laughed at.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Stop The Fighting

    I agree the personal attacks have to stop. Also, I believe that there are problems in this hobby, whether it's unscrupulous memorabilia dealers or authenticators getting paid to give an opinion on an item and fail to do the minimum research. But, with respect to this forum, there will be a difference of opinions. That can be a constructive thing as long as it doesn't disintegrate into personal insults. I am new here and hope to learn more about a favorite hobby of mine, not who thinks who is an idiot. Members who have experience in game used items are a valuable resource. Please keep it on a human level. As Costanza said, "We're living in a society here!"

  6. #6
    Senior Member kingjammy24's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Stop The Fighting

    Chris (and others referring to 'bigtime dealers' not coming here),

    Do these 'bigtime dealers' realize how much money they've lost so far by not coming here?

    Currently the Forum has 632 members, 244 active members, and hundreds of not thousands of 'guests' who lurk and read posts every single day.
    Posting and reading posts is completely free.

    But apparently these bigfish are refusing to expose their businesses to thousands of potential clients for absolutely no cost to them because they don't want to risk someone potentially having a debate with them?

    Well...I guess that's one way to run your business. Dealers like Rob Steinmetz can continue to reap the financial rewards that come from his participation on this Forum, while the 'bigfish' continue to deride a Forum they're apparently not even participating in.

    Chris, for most businesses, profit is paramount and as these 'bigfish' slowly start to realize how much money they're continuing to lose due to their lack of Forum participation, I wonder how much longer they'll be laughing.


  7. #7

    Re: Stop The Fighting

    Quote Originally Posted by kingjammy24
    Chris (and others referring to 'bigtime dealers' not coming here),

    Well...I guess that's one way to run your business. Dealers like Rob Steinmetz can continue to reap the financial rewards that come from his participation on this Forum, while the 'bigfish' continue to deride a Forum they're apparently not even participating in.

    Let me start by saying that I do not interpret Rudy's post as negative in any way, shape, or form - but I do feel compelled to clarify why I choose to participate in this forum and on the Expert's Corner of GUU. Those who know me well understand that monetary gain is far from being my top priority. Obviously I am blessed to earn a living through my hobby, but my main interest will always be assisting collectors, sharing information, building my personal collection, and running a clean and honest business. I am far from perfect, but I'll remain active in this forum as long as I possibly can (and as long as I feel as though my participation might benefit collectors).

    As for dealers and auction houses who choose not to participate here, I think we'll have to agree to disagree with that particular business philosophy. It is my belief that those who are vocal about the negatives of this forum are those who have the most to fear from what might come to light as a result of their active participation. This is not a shot at anyone in particular, just a general observation on my part. To me, it's a sad state of affairs when those who consider themselves leaders in the hobby don't care to share their wealth of knowledge with those who might benefit from it the most (the collecting public). Regardless of what the critics might believe, this forum is here to stay - and it is my belief that it will only gain momentum as time goes on.

    In the meantime, let's keep it clean and stay on topic. We've got a good thing going here.

    Rob Steinmetz

  8. #8
    Senior Member kingjammy24's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Stop The Fighting


    Glad my comments weren't taken as negative as they were far from.
    There's nothing wrong at all with making money in this life. There isn't a single thing wrong with being a savvy businessman. My sole point was simply that, from a dealer's perspective, participating in this Forum is an intelligent decision due to the financial ramifications. I used you as an example simply because you seem to be one of the few who regularly participates and I'm sure you've reaped financial rewards (and rightfully so). It's too bad that other dealers haven't the foresight to see that participating in this Forum can be very good for their business.

    Re: your comments
    "It is my belief that those who are vocal about the negatives of this forum are those who have the most to fear from what might come to light as a result of their active participation."

    Bingo. Sometimes, it's smarter not to put your client on the stand during a trial. Better to keep quiet in the shadows than step forward and fear what may come out. I don't even really understand the supposed reasons for not participating. Compared to most forums, this Forum is extremely civil, fairly moderated, and insightful.

    "To me, it's a sad state of affairs when those who consider themselves leaders in the hobby don't care to share their wealth of knowledge with those who might benefit from it the most (the collecting public)."

    Well it's nice that someone finally said it. I keep hearing about so many "bigtime dealers/collectors" out there with so much wisdom and experience. Brains positively bursting with all sorts of insider knowledge.
    I suppose they don't really have the onus to share their knowledge, but boy would it be nice if these 'legendary collectors' could step forward.
    I can think of a myriad of advantages for them to step forward and not very many to remain quiet.


  9. #9
    Senior Member bigtime59's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Stop The Fighting

    First of all, let me save all of you the trouble by calling me an idiot...'cause, well, I am an idiot. Having this hobby at my income level is--by any definition--idiocy. Just ask my wife. BTW, there are often three females in my bed, but two! of them! are bichons!
    Seriously, I got onto this forum to learn stuff I don't know, and to share what I do know, with my fellow collectors. I really don't have time for all this whipping it out and measuring business. Still don't know why that's where most forums wind up...and hope this one is headed in exactly the opposite direction of that, as fast as possible!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Stop The Fighting

    Rob and others,

    I agree that there are people out there that fear being exposed, and I also agree that more people than we know read this forum. It is full of useful information; however, it is also full of too many egos and personal attacks. For whatever reason, the "big time dealers" get called on all the bad things they do, and you people are somrtimes a little tough. If I made my living at selling sports memorabilia, I would be very careful to protect my reputation from being exposed. In terms of money, we all know money makes the world go round. I would love to make my living selling sports memorabilia, but my lifestyle and hobby require more funds, so I have to work a regular job and be a "part-time" dealer.

    My point is that this is a hobby! I think we forget that sometimes. To me the hobby is collecting artifact of sports history. If you can make a dollar at it, good for you.





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