Like I said, if I really needed to sell it I would have a lower price. So I am just seeing if anyone will take it. Otherwise I will keep it. I may get desperate in the next few months, but if I can sell something else I will.

I understand that Gordon plays a premium position, but his bat is not showing me anything this year. Yeah, players have bad years and bounce back, but gosh, if I had to compare bats between Gordon and Butler, Butler would be my choice 10 times over Gordon. I personally think Gordon is over-hyped. His plate discipline is horrible and without that you cannot succeed in the Major League level.

Now, to address the position thing, if Butler can get good enough at a position (which 1st base is very possible, and I believe he will succeed there) then his stock will rise well above Gordon's. Yeah, it is harder to find a good 3rd baseman with a bat, but I am sure anyone would pickup up Albert Pujols, Justin Morneau or Ryan Howard on their team instead of Alex Gordon. What to speak of Thome, Helton or Derrek Lee.

So, do I think Gordon will be great? Not really. Defensively, yes, but with his bat? Definitely not at the same level as Butler. And Butler's bat is potent enough that any team would clear a spot for him, even if his defense never pans out.