Here's another exercise in rambling.

OJ- Now that you face jail time, was it worth it for the game used Joe Montana cleats? You could have come on the game used forum, said you were looking for some and probably gotten a good deal on a pair.

That's a lesson for anyone thinking of setting up their own sting operation to get game used items- try the forum first, then if that doesn't work, do what you have to do.


Can you imagine what it must have felt like to be a collector/dealer in a room looking to make a sports memorabilia transaction and OJ Simpson comes running in with a head full of steam?


Will Ferrell has a basketball movie coming out in February with lots of interesting old school uniform stuff. Called Semi Pro, it's about an owner-coach-player of an ABA team trying to get his teammates into the NBA


Which reminds me- here are some of the best movie uniforms-
Eight men out

The Natural

Bad News Bears

The Longest Yard

Special shout out to Tv's The White Shadow (R.I.P. Jackson)
