the auction just ended. i'm guessing it's possible that AMI has not paid the consigner yet. (by some accounts, it may be months before that
happens). in an ideal world, AMI would examine the substantial evidence presented in this thread and possibly halt the transfer of the jersey and any funds until they've reached a conclusive verdict. this strikes me as the ethical, responsible thing to do. apparently video evidence has determined it's not the jersey.

i admit to having a small fascination with the letter. tony egues can easily be googled as can bob monica. there are several articles about them all over the internet. according to the dolphins website ( )

Egues "..was named as assistant equipment manager in 1994 and then was promoted to head equipment manager prior to the start of the 1995 season."

i'm guessing then that in 1994 bob monica was the equipment manager and tony egues was the assistant. in 1995, egues was made head equipment manager.

despite the fact that egues, monica, and catello are all over the internet, there isn't a single blurb anywhere about anyone named joe malinconico.

keep in mind that the AMI letter was supposedly written in Nov 1994. in the letter, malinconico states that he was the "Equipment Manager of the Miami Dolphins during the 1994-95 season [this might be news to Bob Monica]. I was fully responsible for the handling of all game equipment."
the letter is then signed "Joe Malinconico, Miami Dolphins Equipment Manager". note that malinconico says he was fully responsible and doesn't say he was an assistant.

if it can be determined that noone under the name "joe malinconico" was ever employed by the miami dolphins in the equipment department, then the letter is also complete sham. it seems finding out this info would be even easier than locating tapes of the '94 throwback game. if the letter ends up being bogus, then it's apparent that noone at AMI even bothered to verify the letter and just took the thing at face value, as if it's difficult to obtain team letterhead and write up some nonsense. i will try to contact the dolphins to verify the employment of "joe malinconico" as equipment manager during the 94/95 season. i'm genuinely interested in whether AMI was completely scammed by a bogus letter.
