Yea, back in the day I used to know all the good places to get signatures at the now defunct Tiger Stadium. I would stand outside the broadcast booth to get the former major leaguers that do tv and radio. I got Bob Uecker, Jim Kaat, Kaline, Kell and many others this way, and most were very nice about signing with exception to Kaline who is very surly most of the time. You could also stand out by the team buses on the final day as the players were headed for the airport. I remember getting Wade Boggs thru the bus window, Andre Dawson and Paul Molitor. As previously mentioned, this is less controlled and you often ended up with a crummy autograph on a $15 ball and waited long lengths of time in a very bad area of town.

Today, there is Comerica Park. I have small children now ages 6 and 10, so the days of waiting for autographs are gone. I am not going to stand there in a dangerous area with my kids to save a few bucks. Also previously mentioned, it just isn't worth it to me to try and drag a bat or pair of Thome's cleats into the ballpark for a free auto. attempt - especially when the park probably would not allow me to do it as it would be deemed a "weapon." Comerica is in a better spot than Tiger Stadium no doubt as that was located in a crack and drug filled, crime laiden area. Comerica is right downtown, but... take a few steps out of the streetlight and you are back in a similar situation.Not a good idea to walk around with expensive GU stuff for a "chance" at an autograph in a mob of people. Just not worth the hassle.

I did the Florida stuff back then too. That was fun. Only issues there were the jerks. I remember Gary Carter finally coming over to sign, then when other fans came over he got pissed and started screaming at me. That was an isolated incident as most games were very laid back and fan friendly atmospheres. That too was before I had a family. Now the attractions are our destination, as they should be, and the paid show is my platform and my decision as to whether I pay the freight. At $400 for 2 Thome pieces of equipment, I will decline...