...that delivery of the next GU item for the collection!

Heck, I'm a 50 year old and I still have a lot of little boy in me (and I hope I never lose that) and it's especially true when I am anticipating a delivery of that GU Bat/Jersey or what have you.

Am I alone or is that the part of the thrill of all of this?

I love when I go to a game and check to see if anything new is available or with the case with the Dodgers an Auction....but it's not the same as there is the instant gratification thing going on.

It's different when you buy something sight unseen (other than pictures) and then have to wait until it lands in your hands and you can let your sight, smell and feel take hold of it.

Nothing greater than when it meets or exceeds your expectations!

Again, am I alone or are there a bunch of grown-up kids out there like me?