incredible items to say the least...

barry-debi, as a collector of vintage helmets i'm particularly interested and impressed with your rare, vintage helmet collection. as a matter of fact, your collection actually represents one of the main reasons why i find vintage helmets so interesting given that it's an excellent example of how certain teams opted for particular makes of helmets. the niners, as your collection shows, were among a handful of teams that sported wilson helmets during that era; the bears were also famous for wearing wilson's as well. then you have the st. louis cardinals that favored rawlings, as did the baltimore colts.

i know that the bears and cards opted for wilson and rawlings helmets because they were manufactured in their area. however, i'm not quite sure why the niners chose wilson as well given their geographical location - i'll have to look into that.

anyway, those are some beautiful helmets that you have. if you ever get a free moment, do you think you could post several more pics of each helmet showing the sides, back and interior? it would be greatly appreciated!