Brett used C271... Mayne used Cooper's modeled after Louisville C271s... confirming Mr. Specht's statement (Brent confirming, not me).

September 30, 2009
Let’s talk about the lumber for a second. The bats, the wood, the sticks, the tree, the weapon, the seal beater, the tally whacker, wonder boy, maple or ash.
I used a whole bunch of different brands of bats. Coopers when I first came up, then Sam bats, then Rawlings. From day one, I used Louisville Sluggers too. I’m sure just about every big leaguer from every era used or uses Louisville Sluggers either as their number one brand or just as a supplement to the one’s they normally use.
Regardless of the manufacturer, the model pretty much comes off a Louisville Slugger template. So I basically used C271 or M110 models. In other words, I may have been using a Cooper bat, but it was the shape of a C271 Louisville Slugger.
For the most part, I liked my sticks cupped (the end of the barrel cratered out-decreasing weight and changing the area of the sweet spot) and 34 inches/31.5oz.
The weight was always an issue. I’d order em 31.5 oz and they would come anywhere between that weight and 33 oz. Now an ounce may not seem like a lot to you, but it seemed like ten pounds to me.
Bat manufacturers would say that the more weight you had in your bat, the better the wood. In general, they may be telling the truth; however, I saw Ken Griffey Jr.’s 30 oz bats and they were the hardest bats I’d ever seen.
The fact was and probably still is, that the best players get the best wood. Its as simple as that. Heavy, light, doesn’t matter. Ichiro is getting WAY better lumber than Brent. Period. But then again, 10 billion people in Japan flip on the tube every night to watchIchiro hit and I bet there aren’t fifteen folks over there who know who I am.
Speaking of Ichiro, his sticks are crafted by a master bat making monk high atop the mountains of Japan in a cave in a panda bear reserve. Just kidding, I made that up. His Mizuno bats are made by a man named Isokazu Kubota. By the way, Mr. Kubota is the same guy who made Pete Rose’s bats…so I guess it’s safe to call him a master after all. Click here to read a nice Time magazine article on the man.

Quote Originally Posted by MichaelofSF View Post
The bat is a Brent Mayne model Cooper C271 bat that is inscribed