here are two photos from 1992 and one from 1993. you can easily date them via the year-specific patches. (in 1992, the jbb memorial and in 1993, the 25th anniversary patch). all show brett using LVS.

the idea of brett using another player's bats simply because he hadn't signed a LVS contract doesn't seem to make sense. here's a man who spent 20 yrs in the major leagues and he entered his final season(s) without a bat contract?

secondly, unlike many players who use several brands over the course of their careers, brett seems to have been an LVS man his entire career. it seems he was pretty devoted to using LVS. hypothetically speaking, if brett found himself without any of his own bats for an entire season (an insane scenario in itself) then doesn't it seem to reason that he'd borrow some LVS bats? he'd been an LVS man his entire career and upon finding himself without bats, he then goes to borrow a Cooper?
