"Jim" "Gridman 80" is not Bernie. I have done business with Jim in the past.

You guys are really taking this to another level. This forum is quite helpful once you get around all the "chest beating posts". I can't believe that someone had the gall to write

Now I'm officially baffled. Why are you protecting Bernie? Bernie (as Sal) made threats of physical violence against me. Yes, it is wrong to air my personal vendetta on this forum. It is immature. By the way...I have stopped...thought...and refrained from posting to SEVERAL threads about Mr. Gernay. Please don't give me your personal take on common sense and decency. It sickens me
All Rob was stating was lets get back to the issues of why this forum was established. If people have personal issues with a dealer, non-fraud related, lets keep it personal then.

What also gets me is that you keep blasting Bernie. I am not defending him but come on... if it walks like a duck, quack likes a duck, you know the rest....

Why keeping hashing over the obvious!!