Among the nicest people I've ever met:

Matt Williams - One of the most hardnosed and serious ballplayers ever, and off the field a huge teddy bear. Treats everybody with total respect, and makes you feel like a friend.

Luis Gonzalez - Known in the Phoenix area as one of the most genuinely nice guys around town. Took the time to instruct me in how to get a baseball signed, when I was a novice autograph hound.

Mike Morgan - Will talk a blue streak about whatever pops into his mind, while he's putting 57 lines of inscription around his signature - everything but a weather report. Highly entertaining.

Steve Finley - Just like a big kid at signings, loving every minute. Loves to see his old bats.

Bobby Witt - Saw him shortly after his retirement, after the '01 season, and had a nice conversation. Put a nice signature on one of my favorite game-used items - a beautiful, dark-green A's jersey from 1994 - and gave me a run-down on all the stuff the docs had done to keep his worn-out body in one piece.

Miguel Batista - A very sweet, funny guy. Used to flirt with my teenaged daughter all the time, starting when she was twelve. Hide your women, but a nice guy, nonetheless.

Bob Brenly, Conor Jackson, David Dellucci, Greg Colbrunn, Jim Traber...all great.