Cooley, Samuels to wear No. 21 at Pro Bowl to honor Taylor

National Football League

Washington Redskins tight end Chris Cooley and tackle Chris Samuels will both wear No. 21, the jersey number of their late teammate Sean Taylor, during the 2008 Pro Bowl on Sunday, February 10, the NFL announced Wednesday.
Taylor, who died earlier this season, was voted in as the NFC Pro Bowl team’s starting free safety. He was the leading vote-getter at the position among fans, coaches and players. Cooley and Samuels each will wear a jersey with Taylor’s No. 21 and their own name on the back. Cooley’s regular jersey number is 47; Samuels’ regular number is 60.
The jerseys that they wear in the game will be auctioned at NFL Auction ( with the proceeds going to the Sean Taylor Memorial Trust Fund, which was set up to benefit his daughter Jackie.