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  1. #1
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    Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems

    Forum Members,
    I have had private email communication with Chris Boyd (Houston Sports Investments, eBay username game-used-bat) regarding the Albert Pujols game used Louisville Slugger M9 bat he recently listed on eBay. Below, you will find the content of my original email to Chris addressing some issues with the bat in question. Following my email, you will find Chris' response to the issues I raised - which I want to address publicly in this forum.

    A customer of mine is seeking a well used Pujols bat, and I have been on the lookout for some time. I noticed the bat you won in December on Ebay seems to now be listed again by you, however, is not being sold as the same bat.

    Chris, for your reference, these are the listings for the Pujols bat in question.
    Your recent Pujols bat listing:
    http://cgi.ebay.com/Albert-Pujols-2005-Game-Used-St-Louis-Cardinals-Bat_W0QQitemZ8765528441QQcategoryZ60596QQssPageNam eZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

    The original eBay listing for this bat:
    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=60596&item=8732012 225

    Below are the issues associated with this bat:

    The knob. The "notch" on the knob, just above the #5, is in the exact position on both the original eBay bat and your recently listed bat. The "5" and the "4-2" are also exactly the same. Both these facts make it clear that it's the exact same bat. The only difference between the two bats is the addition of the stars that you refer to in your description. The stars were not on the bat originally, but somehow appeared between the time it was originally sold on eBay and it's most recent listing date.

    The knob, part two. In your eBay description, you state the the stars on the knob were added by Albert Pujols. Since these are obviously the same bat (based on the evidence presented here), there is no way Pujols added the stars to the knob of the bat between the original eBay listing and the time you listed it.

    The crack. Although obviously repaired, the crack is in the exact position on the original eBay bat and your recently listed bat (another fact that allows one to conclude that the original listed eBay bat and your bat are the same exact bat).

    The ball marks. There are two distinct ball marks near the markings on the barrel that are the exact same in both the original eBay bat and your recently listed bat (a THIRD fact that allows one to conclude that the original listed eBay bat and your bat are the same exact bat). See attached photo for additional use characteristics that are EXACT matches.

    When the bat was used. The original eBay listing says that the bat "was used by Albert Pujols (and broken by him) during the 2005 spring training in Florida." Your description states, "the bat was obtained by a former St. Louis Cardinals employee this past season." Although your description is vague, there is a definite difference in value between a known Spring Training bat and a bat from the regular season. This is deceptive, and should have been revealed in your description.

    The crack, part two. In the original description, this bat was clearly advertised and sold as being broken in two pieces (and taped together). Per the final auction listing, it's also apparent that you were the winning bidder - therefore, you KNOW the bat was split in two and repaired.

    The pine tar. Based on the photos in both auctions, it appears as though there is more pine tar on your current bat than in the original listing. Many bat repairman add pine tar after a crack is repaired to help mask the repair job. It is possible that this is the case with the bat in question?

    Based on the above listed facts, I can conclude:

    1) YOU were the winning bidder on the Pujols bat when originally listed on eBay.
    2) The bat in the original listing and the bat recently listed by you are the same.
    3) The bat appears to have had pine tar added on the handle/near the center brand.
    4) The bat has had some stars added to the knob, clearly not added by Pujols.
    5) The bat was cracked in two and repaired.
    6) The bat was used in Spring Training, not during the regular season.

    I would appreciate your comments on the above issues.

    I look forward to your response.

    Howard Wolf


    ...as for the Pujols bat, it is the same bat. I did realize the error in the markings, which as you pointed out where not put on by Pujols. I added them on the knob in an effort to identify the bat in the future as being repaired (or restored). It was an error on my part to the quick listing I was doing on Sunday evening, plus the use of my template I use for listing bats. You are correct, the stars were not added by Pujols. With the error, I am going to end the auction and state "Error In Listing" as the reason. Since it currently has 137 watchers (according to My eBay), I am sure I will get some response by private e-mail, in which if I decide to sell the bat I will offer full disclosure as the the repair and the markings.

    I know if has been commone practice by some jersey collectors and dealers to "mark" a restored jersey. In fact, I have seen a good number of Phillies jerseys will a black sharpie mark on the inside seam near the sleeve opening. This has been attributed to a Phillies collector leaving his mark on these jerseys. Do you know who that person is? I have spoken with other Phillies collectors like Ed Dolan, Wayne Stiles, and Bob Kirk and none seemed to know about the trend. Having handled just enough Phillies jerseys I have noticed it on varios styles from the 1990s in particular.

    ....As mentioned, the auction will be ended immediately. If I do choose to sell my bat, I will give full disclosure in accompanying documentation. Thanks for keeping the hobby legitimate and me on my toes!


    Chris Boyd


    Now that Chris as admitted that the bats are the same and that he made the marks on the knob (instead of Pujols himself), my questions remain:

    1) In a hobby in which repairs are so accepted, why would you mark a repaired bat in this manner?
    2) Why would you type up a description that states Albert himself made these markings?
    3) Why would additional pine tar have been added to the bat and not be mentioned in the description?
    4) Why wouldn't the fact that the bat was used in Spring Training not have been disclosed in the description?
    5) If the bat was purchased in two taped together pieces, why wouldn't you have admitted that when an eBay user specifically asked if the bat was ever split in two?

    Regarding Chris' reference to my marking Phillies jerseys:

    When I made my team purchase of approximately 600 Phillies jersey, I took two precautions prior to the jerseys entering the hobby. First, I created red colored COA's for each jersey (red paper cannot be photo copied on a standard copier, as it turns completely black). Second, I marked each jersey with a small black dot under the left arm of each jersey. I made these marks so regardless of whether or not the jersey became separated from the COA, I would know the jersey originated from my team purchase - NOT to mark or mask any sort of alteration or restoration. In fact, less than 5% of the jerseys in that team purchase were restored or altered. When a restored shirt was sold, it was documneted on the red LOA as such. The fact that a jersey was restored was always revealed, and also provided collectors with some great Phillies names at a reduced price. Again, all retorations were noted and documneted to the buyer. Once again, EVERY jersey in that team purchase was marked for the reason mentioned above.

    Folks, we all make mistakes, especially when attempting to list items on eBay in a rush. If there were one issue, or some minor typo, I wouldn't feel the need to bring these issues to a public forum. Since this Pujols bat is now likely to be sold privately, I thought it was necessary to post this information in a public forum so potential buyers might be forewarned. I encourage forum members to examine the evidence brought forth in this post and raise any questions I might have missed. I would also encourage the input of both Jeff Scott and Rob Steinmetz as well-known Cardinals/Pujols collectors. Although I have a well-documented history with Chris Boyd, this is NOT a personal attack. These issues were brought to Chris prior to my post here, and instead of addressing my concerns point-by-point, he chose to bring up my Phillies team purchase as part of his defense. It's important to note that Chris' Pujols bat was pulled from eBay last night.

    Howard Wolf

  2. #2
    Senior Member BULBUS's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems

    I guess he thought enough time went by and everyone forgot about that bat. Good work Howard! Kind of makes it hard to really invest a lot of time and money into this hobby. And I dont think a "template" was used when he listed that bat. Everything describes the bat he was trying to sell. The topper is when he says, "This is the best Pujols bat we have seen to date." Yeh, because you made it that way. Shame on you Chris!

  3. #3

    Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems

    I have received multiple phone calls today from customers to notify me of this thread and to express their disgust with the evidence presented. Since my input has been requested, I'll start by saying that I've had 4 cracked Pujols bats in my personal collection repaired, and have never felt the need to mark them (as repairing cracks is a standard practice in the hobby). Listing error or not, it's very concerning that this bat would have been marketed on eBay as having been marked with stars on the knob by Albert himself. Howard has raised some very legitimate questions that obviously still need to be addressed by Chris. I am hopeful that there is some explanation that will prove that this wasn't an attempt to defraud collectors.
    Rob Steinmetz

    Paying top dollar for Chicago Cubs game used equipment!

  4. #4
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    Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems

    What does a Pujols "star' mean? Is that a notation for HR's?

  5. #5

    Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems


    You were quite thorough in your assessment and your questions of Chris are legit. I look forward to his reply. As someone who has done business with Chris in the past, I hope he can offer a fair explanation regarding this situation.

    Looking at this bat as a Pujols collector, the stars on the knob raised a red flag when I first saw the bat. I've never known Albert to add stars to his knobs -- I've seen dots and other notations, such as "Game" and "BP," but never stars. So, I thought that was odd. Nothing else seemed out of the ordinary until I learned of the previous listing.

    Personally, I have no problem if someone buys a two-piece bat, repairs it and attempts to resell it. I've done that myself. I also have no problem with reapplying pine tar if the repair makes it necessary. I've done that, too. But, I always let the owner or potential buyer know what I've done (or plan to do). There is no down side to being honest. Such alterations certainly should be disclosed and apparently were not in this case. It even appears the pine tar might have been applied a bit heavier to be more consistent with a typical Pujols-used bat.

    I think what bothers me most is the fact that the description said Albert added the stars. I have a hard time accepting that the inclusion of that statement could be an accident.

    The kicker is that, properly repaired and unaltered, this bat could have been resold for a nice profit... even if every fact had been disclosed fully.

    Just my two cents, since you asked.


  6. #6

    Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems

    Howard: Thanks for catching this and for the posting. This seller has obviously been caught red-handed despite his "spin" on the listing. I have marked him off of my dealer list and hope others do likewise. A perfect example of what is wrong with this hobby. Thanks again Howard.

  7. #7
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    Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems


    I don't think that you can "spin" this, it appears to be outright attempted fraud....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems

    Howard and others,

    As posted by Howard, the bats are in fact the same. I did in fact add the stars as I have done to multiple other bats (including one other Pujols that was repaired). The fact that Pujols does not apply stars to the bat makes this an obvious way for it to be seen in the hobby. As far as it increasing the value, I would think it would do quite the opposite and devalue it (if anything).

    Eric e-mailed me asking me about the bat for an "anonymous questioner." I told Eric I would not answer his e-mails if they were coming from someone that wanted to stay anonymous. When I received the e-mail from Howard I address it promptly. As mentioned to Howard, the bat was listed on eBay in a rush as I like to start my auctions on Sunday night, and that is why I used my template. I had no reason to deceive anyone, that is why I pulled the eBay this morning after I addresssed Howard's question. Some may think I was trying to make a quick buck and deceive someone, but that is not the case. I would never try to deceive or sell something for a quick buck as I honestly don't need the money. That is why I make $180,000/year at my "regular job." Poeple can believe whatever they choose, I don't need to convince anyone other than myself.

    Now, I could have chosen to ignore Howard and Eric's request, any sell to the last minute bidder that had no idea. I chose to end the item and sell with full disclosure. I could have also fabricated some story to make me look good, but in this case I messed up. Again, that is why I pulled the bat within minutes of responding to Howard and Eric.

    In terms of the Phillies jerseys, I had no idea that was you Howard adding the "marker" to the Phillies collection you bought. I had no clue and necver assumed it was you. The only evidence I knew was:

    1. Ed Dolan and other major Phillies collectors had no idea of the "marker."
    2. You were the only Phillies collector I know I had not asked
    3. It is similar to marking a repaired of restored jersey, which is more common than I think.

    For whatever reason, Howard has had it out for me since I questioned his Lance Berkman 2004 All-Star BP. I never pushed the issue and decided it was not worth my time to understand where this "third" All-Star BP or any other Majestic BPs that Howward had obtained originated from. I don't collect BPs other than the few Astros ones I had obtained and had no interest in the plentiful supply Howard could get.

    Following my bringing the Berkman up publicly, he proceeded to call the Astros and Roger Clemens foundation trying to discredit me. It didn't work!

    Since I don't want to end thinking I am trying to pass any blame or change the subject, as mentioend above, I did add the stars. This bat is my property and I can do as I choose! This is no different than Howard adding the "marker" to Phillies jerseys; it is his property and he can do as he chooses. As mentioned, I agree I messed up with errors and planned to add full disclosure when sold.

    I don't have any further comment on this issue! Ax for the bat, it has been sold with full disclosure of the markings.


    Chris Boyd

  9. #9
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    Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems


    How do you explain this quote from the description - "Also, Albert has drawn 2 stars on the knob". Did you forget that you drew them on there and then remembered after Howard called you out on it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Albert Pujols Bat-serious Issues And Problems

    Yes, that is correct! I am not perfect, I admitted that, I ended the auction. What more do you want me to do. Do you want me to renounce sin for all man, be crucified, die, etc, etc. Too bad, someone already did that for me. All I can do is say I was wrong, which is more than most people do in this forum.



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