Many bats are stolen by UPS employees. They are easy to identify and UPS delivery people will still leave an empty box, knowing the contents are missing. Must find a better way to mail a bat so it's not so obvious it's a bat.

This was my post from the past thread about this subject:

When it happened to me, I was so lucky that I saw the UPS guy running away from my house and towards his truck. When I yelled to him that the box was empty, which was obvious, and he then came back and I could tell he was playing dumb. No way could he not tell the box was empty, especially when one end was open. Oh, the tube was in there, but not the bat. If it fell out, the entire contents including the tube would have fallen out. Yes, someone definately attempted to steal it. I called and then ran straight down to UPS. Yes, by the time I got to UPS, they found the bat. They said it slipped out somehow and they found it. Yeah, I bought that story.

I got lucky. Many don't. How people can rob and steal from others in the performance of their duties, is beyond me. We live is a greedy society. Truly sad!

Regards, Tony