I am still in the beginning phases of developing http://www.49ersgamers.com and I am looking for your help. If any of you have pictures of 49ers game used jerseys or helmets I would be grateful if you could send me pictures so I can add them to the site.

I would also be extremely grateful if anyone can help me by letting me know what they know about 49ers game used jerseys. Exactly what info am I looking for? Anything that could be useful in determining if a jersey is authentic or not. If you look at my site you will see there isn't a whole lot out there as far as uniform history. I don't want to post any bogus info, so I'm really looking to get everything squared away before I publish it to the site. If you have a wealth of information or just a small tidbit that you’ve picked up a long the way… I want to know.

I know there are quite a few experts out here and I would appreciate any help that can be given. I'm still pretty new to this and learning as I go, so the more information I am given by you experts the better my site can be for everyone.

Also, if you want to be added to the collector list please let me know.

I can be e-mailed at headingtontd.ctr@mcnosc.usmc.mil
