Quote Originally Posted by toddhead View Post

You are very helpful with your insight of Bills jerseys, but you need to understand that your posts come across as very confrontational. It may not be how you are intending them to be, but that's the way they are coming across.

There is really no need to bring up the e-bay jersey because it is not the one in question. Every time you bring it up it comes across as you accusing WOODFERN of buying it, altering it, and trying to pass it off as the one he purchased from Grey Flannel a couple of years ago.

Not trying to pick a fight here, just trying to help you understand how your posts are coming across. Maybe if you just focus on the jersey instead of WOODFERN this post will serve the original purpose it was intended to.
Agreed, what I was trying to explain to Marcus.

Unfortunately the only 94 Kelly on ebay has ZERO pics to even see the item or the Grey Flannel paperwork. Without that everyone including any prospective bidder is flying blind.