How many bats have you confronted a player with at the same time, at a signing?

I've gone to numerous signings where I had 6-8 bats for one player to sign - I know the guy who does the shows here pretty well, and if I have that many, he'll either give me part of a table off to the side, so I don't have to carry them all through a line, or he'll let me put them on the signing table before the player gets there, and be first - but my record for one player at one signing is 14.

Greg Colbrunn was signing at a card shop, and before he got there I got permission from the owner to line up all these bats behind the counter, so
Greg could sign them before he started signing everybody else's stuff. They represented every team he'd ever played on to that point, and even a few from the minor leagues. I also had a couple of his Atlanta jerseys, and some other things. Colby's a pretty humble guy, and seemed genuinely confused that somebody would have that many of his bats.