A nation wide boycott of eBay starts today for one week.

This is in response to eBay's announced changes, with the main contention being feedback.

A seller will no longer be able to leave negative for a buyer, regardless of what the buyer has done or not done. A buyer may leave the seller a negative even if the seller did everything perfect, or a buyer may leave a negative for any reason they choose, and there isn't a damn thing the seller can do about it.

Of course, eBay states that if a non-paying bidder does not respond to a non-payment notice from eBay, the bidder can not leave a negative. What they don't tell you is the bidder can respond, still not pay, and then leave a negative. The seller is left with no money, a tainted auction, a lot of wasted time and energy, and a negative.

Personally, I find this to be the most asinine, stupid, and plain head up the a** move that eBay has ever instituted.

Their new rules lay all of the burden on the sellers, with the almost three percent increase in fees, and the totally unfair and throat cutting change to the feedback policy.

The only thing eBay understands is the bottom line, and I am doing everything in my small world to decrease that bottom line, now and in the future.

I started my boycott a week ago. I am not selling or buying anything on eBay for three weeks, nothing.

Please join in, as it is to your benefit too.