Show us your ebay steals!!!

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  • Vintagedeputy
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2005
    • 3172

    Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

    So what we know right now (for certain) is that it is a Yankees team bat that someone bought from a dealer and the dealer claimed that it was used by Jeter? Not trying to pick sides at all as to whether or not any of it is true or false, just stating the facts as we know them thus far.........

    Is there any evidence of Jeter using the bat? Pics?



    • 3arod13
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2006
      • 3092

      Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

      Originally posted by Vintagedeputy
      So what we know right now (for certain) is that it is a Yankees team bat that someone bought from a dealer and the dealer claimed that it was used by Jeter? Not trying to pick sides at all as to whether or not any of it is true or false, just stating the facts as we know them thus far.........

      Is there any evidence of Jeter using the bat? Pics?


      Let me make sure I understanding who and what you are questioning (I have to believe by your comment, you don't know who Zane Burns is):

      You are saying/assuming that the dealer that you are referring to, Mr. Zane Burns, would claim and sell something that isn't what he says it is?

      You're talking about the same Zane Burns, who helped in the publishing of the book BATS -- PROFESSIONAL HILLERICH & BRADSBY AND ADIRONDACK 1950-1994 - The book that was the first all-inclusive resource available to game used bat collectors, which also included such people as Dave Bushing, Steve Terman, Michael Montbriand, John Taube, Stanley Kesselman, and yes, Zane Burns.

      The same Zane Burns who is considered one of the Who's Who of Bat Collecting.

      The same Zane Burns who is continously praised in this forum as a trustworthy and knowledgable person in the game used hobby?

      I Just want to make sure I understand you correctly.

      Look, I understand today everyone is so caught up into "photomatching." If you can find it, it's great. However, there are many older pieces, especially minor league stuff, that it is impossible to photomatch. Heck, even today's stuff is even difficult to photomatch.

      Not every player gave away their equipment with a signed letter that they used it. Hence today, why we have authentication services based on characteristics and other additional information that is provided.

      I am aware of Mr. Burns reputation in the hobby, and I trust and believe Mr. Reed. It would only take Mr. Burns to deny what Mr. Reed has stated and put into writing.

      I trust both Mr. Burns and Mr. Reed and am 100% confident that this bat is as stated.

      Regards, Tony


      ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~


      • Vintagedeputy
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2005
        • 3172

        Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

        Tony - I know quite well who Zane is, as I have purchased from him before.....I have no issue with his reputation.

        My point is, that this is a generic "team" bat that a "bat dealer" says was used by Jeter and it is signed by Jeter. Nothing more, nothing less. If it was a bat that had Jeter's name on it, that would add to it. I'm not saying anything against Zane, you, or the bat. I'm just calling it like I see it. If Zne acquired a Richmond Braves team bat and had Chipper Jones sign it, does that prove that Chipper Jones used the bat in a game?

        "If" Zane acquired the bat directly from Jeter and offered photographic proof, that would be something different. As it stands right now, it appears to me to be a team bat, signed by Derek Jeter, that came from a well respected dealer of game used bats.

        Am I missing something?


        • 3arod13
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2006
          • 3092

          Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

          Originally posted by Vintagedeputy
          Tony - I know quite well who Zane is, as I have purchased from him before.....I have no issue with his reputation.

          My point is, that this is a generic "team" bat that a "bat dealer" says was used by Jeter and it is signed by Jeter. Nothing more, nothing less. If it was a bat that had Jeter's name on it, that would add to it. I'm not saying anything against Zane, you, or the bat. I'm just calling it like I see it. If Zne acquired a Richmond Braves team bat and had Chipper Jones sign it, does that prove that Chipper Jones used the bat in a game?

          "If" Zane acquired the bat directly from Jeter and offered photographic proof, that would be something different. As it stands right now, it appears to me to be a team bat, signed by Derek Jeter, that came from a well respected dealer of game used bats.

          Am I missing something?
          Wow! It is ridiculous to say, "If Zane acquired the bat directly from Jeter and offered photographic proof, that would be something different." You do realize this was in the early 90's. Did we have camera's back then (lol).

          Unless I'm missing something, does all game used stuff out there come with what you stated above?

          From what I have found out so far, minor league teams, especially in the 80's and early 90's, didn't have players names of the bats. So players used these "generic" team bats. When they got to the majors, their names were on their bats. Still research minor league bat info.

          I'm not going to beat this down any further. I provided the facts. I'm happy and satisifed with the bat. I trust Mr. Burns reputation completely, and Mr. Reeds word in writing.

          Again, unless Mr. Burns denies what Mr. Reed has told me and provided me in writing, it is only then I will have concern.

          Regards, Tony


          ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~


          • platinum1
            • Mar 2008
            • 878

            Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

            Originally posted by sylbry
            How can you make a comment like this when you haven't been a member for even a month?
            So now I have to be a member for more then a month to make a comment. Actually I have been coming to this boards for atleast 2 years now and every time I come here most of the guys in here just try to find a way to rip someone. The guy wasnt pushing the bat on someone. The question could have been ask alot better. Why hasnt he respond to my question? Because he was wrong. Why doesnt he stick to what he knows best Phillie jerseys.


            • platinum1
              • Mar 2008
              • 878

              Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

              Originally posted by Fnazxc0114
              Sylbry i would like to make a generic statement. " whats the point in being a p#$%k" there are a lot of people who watch this sight for a while without putting there two cents on every thread on the forum. also since you have been a member since november of 2005 does that mean you get a blue star from the gameused police? sylbry also who are you two question what someone wants to type in a thread
              Thank You just like in the other post with thome25. When people are asking for help the guys that are fast to bash someone are never there to help.


              • 3arod13
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2006
                • 3092

                Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                Originally posted by Vintagedeputy
                If Zane acquired a Richmond Braves team bat and had Chipper Jones sign it, does that prove that Chipper Jones used the bat in a game?

                Great point. Maybe this will help you.

                You stated: If Zane acquired a Richmond Braves team bat and had Chipper Jones sign it, does that prove that Chipper Jones used the bat in a game?

                Answer: No!

                However, if Zane acquired a Derek Jeter New York Yankees Minor League Team Game Used and Signed bat, as sold it that way; then

                Answer: YES!

                See the difference. The bat was sold to Mr. Reed as a Derek Jeter Yankees Minor League Game Used Signed Bat.

                You can beat this to death as much as you want. Bottom line, the bat came from Mr. Burns, a very knowledgeable and reputable game used bat collector and dealer, who has been in this hobby a long time. In addition, I don't recall ever seeing anything in the news that discredits Mr. Burns. His reputation speaks for itself.

                With that said, I'm done. I provided the facts! Not much more to add.

                Regards, Tony


                ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~


                • Vintagedeputy
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2005
                  • 3172

                  Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                  What I'm saying is that there is a much higher degree of uncertainty in a generic Yankees bat signed by Jeter than a Jeter named bat displaying Jeter characteristics and signed by Jeter.

                  Add to that the fact that Zane has not been asked anything (as far as I read here). You are buying a bat from someone who said that they got it from Zane and that is what Zane sold it to them as. If you are happy with the bat, so be it. I'm not trying to discount or discredit anyone, I just dont see anything close to 100% proof (yet).


                  • hblakewolf
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 1870

                    Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                    Originally posted by Vintagedeputy
                    Tony - I know quite well who Zane is, as I have purchased from him before.....I have no issue with his reputation.

                    My point is, that this is a generic "team" bat that a "bat dealer" says was used by Jeter and it is signed by Jeter. Nothing more, nothing less. If it was a bat that had Jeter's name on it, that would add to it. I'm not saying anything against Zane, you, or the bat. I'm just calling it like I see it. If Zne acquired a Richmond Braves team bat and had Chipper Jones sign it, does that prove that Chipper Jones used the bat in a game?

                    "If" Zane acquired the bat directly from Jeter and offered photographic proof, that would be something different. As it stands right now, it appears to me to be a team bat, signed by Derek Jeter, that came from a well respected dealer of game used bats.

                    Am I missing something?

                    No, you are not missing anything.

                    See my post #28, noting the exact same points:
                    Nice generic YANKEES bat that has a Jeter sig. How can you possibly claim and also prove he used this in the minor leagues?

                    I've obtained plenty of generic Louisville Sluggers directly from the Phillies during the 1980's that simply have PHILLIES in place of an actual players stamped name. Collectors have purchased these from me, and have later had Schmidt and Carlton autograph them. What's to prevent someone from claiming that either Phillies superstar used one of these bats? Although we know these were purchased as generic and never used by either superstar, once they change hands a few time, someone may claim that they obtained it directly after a game in which they saw Schmidt or Carlton use it, and then had him autograph it.

                    Personally, I could care a less if Zane sold this, or John Taube. Let's put our focus on the bat at hand; a generic Cooper with a Jeter sig.

                    Once solid evidence can be produced (photo, baseball card, team program, video, etc.) of Jeter using a generic YANKEES Cooper bat in 1994, I'll be the first to agree with Tony that indeed, he secured a real ebay steal!

                    Howard Wolf


                    • BULBUS
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2005
                      • 1123

                      Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                      Originally posted by Vintagedeputy
                      My point is, that this is a generic "team" bat that a "bat dealer" says was used by Jeter and it is signed by Jeter. Nothing more, nothing less. If it was a bat that had Jeter's name on it, that would add to it. I'm not saying anything against Zane, you, or the bat. I'm just calling it like I see it. If Zne acquired a Richmond Braves team bat and had Chipper Jones sign it, does that prove that Chipper Jones used the bat in a game?
                      I agree. There is nothing linking this bat to Jeter except for a signature, which I'm sure at the time was not difficult to get. Because of this, I don't believe the bat has great value. It is a nice piece, but it's not something that I could have in my collection and be confident that it was used by Jeter.

                      NY Giants, NY Yankees, Don Mattingly, Mattingly brand bats (any player)
                      donnie23fan at


                      • Vintagedeputy
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2005
                        • 3172

                        Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                        Let me also add that you say that it is a "Derek Jeter New York Yankees Minor League Team Game Used and Signed bat" - we've all seen bats (on ebay especially) that say Barry Bonds game used signed bat. When you look at the bat, its a pro stock bat that was used by someone and signed by Bonds....that doesnt make it a Bonds gamer. With the limited amount of text in ebay headings and people's interpretations of what something that they read means, its easy enough to mistake the two or at the very least not understand the difference. A Bonds game used and signed bat is different than a game used bat signed by Bonds, Jeter, Arod or anyone else.


                        • 3arod13
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 3092

                          Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                          Originally posted by platinum1
                          Thank You just like in the other post with thome25. When people are asking for help the guys that are fast to bash someone are never there to help.
                          Sad, but I'm getting use to it. For whatever reason, some people just thrive off giving grief, than helping. Especially if you're new, and not in the circle of trust (reference to the movie: Meet the Fockers).

                          I still enjoy this forum and recommend that nobody think about leaving, just because of a few bad eggs with negative attitudes. Many just take it and don't speak out. Otherwise, they'll get trashed like some of you were. Keep the faith!

                          This forum and it's people have so much to offer. More positive than negative in my book.

                          Regards, Tony


                          ~I'm sorry, I can't hear World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~


                          • harpt
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2007
                            • 694

                            Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                            Originally posted by 3arod13

                            This forum and it's people have so much to offer. More positive than negative in my book.

                            Great point
                            Scott Harpt
                            scott_harpt at yahoo dot com
                            Always seeking Cecil Cooper, Ben Oglivie, and Gorman Thomas


                            • cohibasmoker
                              • Aug 2005
                              • 2379

                              Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                              Not sure if this is a steal or not - hopefully a forum member will be able to identify the jersey for me.

                              I got the jersey from eBay. The seller's scans gave the impression that the jersey was red. As such, I was thinking the jersey was an old Falcons jersey. Well, when I got it, I was shocked because the jersey is actually orange. In an attempt to show the actual color of the jersey, I placed a St. Louis Cardinals jacket next to the jersey and I took the scan.

                              Made by Spanjian, the jersey is a size 44 and it is made out of a heavy-weight durene material. The shoulders are reinforced and are about twice as thick as the rest of the jersey and the sleeve-ends are cuffed. Just above the cuffed sleeve-ends, are sewn-in elbow pads. There are diamond inserts under each armpit.

                              The jersey has several team repairs (most in the shoulder area) and is complete with crotchpiece. On the Spanjian Pasadena label, the number 518 has been imprinted on the label. This 518 is also imprinted on the inside of the crotchpiece and on the back of the jersey, on the inside, 318 has been imprinted.

                              All of the numbers have been sewn on. The numbers on the back of the jersey are positioned very high so I don't think the would be any room for a nameplate. The sleeve-stripes are woven into the jersey.

                              This is a very cool and extremely well-made professional style jersey. I've looked through a few old football annuals (Professional and college) and so far, I have been unable to identify the jersey. I would appreciate any help any member can give me in identifying whether the jersey was worn professionally or on the collegiate or semi-pro level.

                              I can be reached either though the thread or

                              Thanx so much,

                              Attached Files


                              • both-teams-played-hard
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2005
                                • 2712

                                Re: Show us your ebay steals!!!

                                Originally posted by cohibasmoker
                                Not sure if this is a steal or not - hopefully a forum member will be able to identify the jersey for me.

                                I got the jersey from eBay. The seller's scans gave the impression that the jersey was red. As such, I was thinking the jersey was an old Falcons jersey. Well, when I got it, I was shocked because the jersey is actually orange. In an attempt to show the actual color of the jersey, I placed a St. Louis Cardinals jacket next to the jersey and I took the scan.

                                Made by Spanjian, the jersey is a size 44 and it is made out of a heavy-weight durene material. The shoulders are reinforced and are about twice as thick as the rest of the jersey and the sleeve-ends are cuffed. Just above the cuffed sleeve-ends, are sewn-in elbow pads. There are diamond inserts under each armpit.

                                The jersey has several team repairs (most in the shoulder area) and is complete with crotchpiece. On the Spanjian Pasadena label, the number 518 has been imprinted on the label. This 518 is also imprinted on the inside of the crotchpiece and on the back of the jersey, on the inside, 318 has been imprinted.

                                All of the numbers have been sewn on. The numbers on the back of the jersey are positioned very high so I don't think the would be any room for a nameplate. The sleeve-stripes are woven into the jersey.

                                This is a very cool and extremely well-made professional style jersey. I've looked through a few old football annuals (Professional and college) and so far, I have been unable to identify the jersey. I would appreciate any help any member can give me in identifying whether the jersey was worn professionally or on the collegiate or semi-pro level.
                                Now, that's a nice jersey. The Spanjian tags are late 50s, early 60s. I have sold 100s of unknown football durenes. They are impossible to identify. Unless, you say your prayers and stumble across a photo. The new Sports Illustrated archive may be a good place to start. Someone who reads 60s Street&Smiths might know. Oregon State? College of the Pacific? Cal Tech? To make matters more complicated, Spanjian made uniforms nationwide, from West to East. The tag seems too old to have the Spanjian designed expressley for (insert name of sporting goods store.) Does it have the name of a sporting goods store or town (besides Pasadena)? Yes, it could be Continental Football League...1000s of possibilities. Oklahoma State? Idaho State? I know I've probably sold many FB relics for $100. I'm too impatient. I don't find as many football durenes as I used to. As for the "518" and "318"...they are inventory codes that I haven't learned yet.

