based on nerat's latest blog entry it appears that the young scribe is still hurting from the beat down he took from members of GUU over his ridiculous defense of heritage and sloppy authenticators. so complete was the recent beat down that nerat found himself publicly apologizing for his half-truths and backpeddling on other points - and of course it was no surprise that nerat chose to simply ignore demands for explanations put to him in his blog rather than own up to them. alas....

btw i wonder if lampson treated nerat and bloedow to snow cones, cotton candy and a tour of capone's vault this time around - i know the guys were tickled pink when lampson treated them to a tour of dealey plaza during the dallas show; so much so that they both gushed about it in their blogs while reporting to their readers that lampson was a swell guy, misunderstood and just an average joe prone to mistakes just like the rest of us - thank goodness they chimed in because i had been under the impression that lou was a professional authenticator paid for his expertise...

and in case you read this young nerat, no need to get huffy towards the fine folks at guu whenever you make a new blog entry - in the future simply do the following and all is good....

1. don't make things up - and don't imply that you know something that you don't.

2. don't tell your readers that an item up for auction is "rock solid" when you have no idea if it is or isn't. use phrases like "according to" or "i've been told" - see the difference?

blog on.