Quote Originally Posted by both-teams-played-hard View Post
Maybe someone can forward this message to Lou Lampson.
I urge Mr. Lampson to join this forum. Admit your mistakes and pledge to never let them happen again. Take the criticism and ridicule, then the dust will settle and the smoke will clear, and you will smell rosey. Folks dig others who admit their errors. Lampson has apologists. These apologists will help with the confession. Show this forum examples of research you've done in the past, and how you've helped the hobby. Also, ask questions to this forum. I know that forum members can help with your research. Regardless of what you've been told: YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERY TEAM, FROM EVERY SPORT, FROM EVERY YEAR. Forum members will bash you, but take your lumps and move on!
And also, Oswald acted alone.
I absolutely agree...in my opinion it is almost hard to even be an expert for just one particular sport. I much prefer "experts" (or authenticators) for a particular team considering how many equipment anomolies from past years there are for each team. When I have a question regarding something Jets and I have exhausted all my reference books, cards, programs, videos, yearbooks, etc... I reach out to another Jets collector in hopes we can retrace and figure something out. I am in no way saying that a collector cannot know a lot about several if not all teams in a particular sport but it can be overwhelming.