Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

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  • aeneas01
    Senior Member
    • May 2007
    • 1128

    Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

    dave bushing 04/21/08:

    "I am sorry that so few people that have voiced so many concerns about this hobby in the past either could not nor did not care to join in on the panel discussions. I was really hoping for a better turn out for the panel talks on game used items. The amount of concern on paper could rival "Crime and Punishment" for text space yet it did not come to fruition in the first ever public forum that would have allowed those with concerns to address the very folks they express so much interest in. I know there are expenses involved but it would seem that there would have been a few more concerned people that might have been able to attend. Maybe next time."

    dave bushing 04/18/08:

    John Taube , Lou Lampson and I just finished our panel discussion. I was really expecting to hear some real tough questions but we got questions like whats the best piece we have ever seen, do autographs increase value, etc. etc. We were there but the questions weren't. The toughest question came from David Hunt to see if we wish we could relook at a piece we may have authenticated incorrectly.

    chris nerat 03/18/08:

    Also, I don’t know how many times I have read on the board that people want to confront a certain authenticator about a mistake that was made on a jersey or a bat and they always seem to want to try to email the person. Well, when people found out that Lou was at the National last year, not one single person came up to him and challenged him with any concerns that were mentioned on the board. Also, Lou will be on a panel at the PCCE with other authenticators to help educate collectors. And when that was called to the attention of the members of gameusedforum.com, nobody seemed to want to go to the show in Chicago to talk to Lou.


    you know, it's funny - at their forum and blog these guys talk about the continuing and disappointing decline in show attendance yet, in the same breath, want to know where all of the whiners were when it came to questioning the authenticators that attended the shows. meanwhile mark's questions concerning the fingers and krausse jerseys are blatantly, and i mean blatantly, ignored at the mears forum and nerat could apparently care less about using his blog as a conduit to pose such questions for the benefit of his readers.

    if these authenticators were truly interested in addressing the many legitimate concerns collectors harbor, they would make themselves available for an internet q&a. nerat could spearhead the thing through scd, could determine the place, time and format. but apparently that's crazy talk - everyone knows that the only way to get a straight answer from these guys is to book a hotel room and get on a jet to... wherever.

  • camarokids
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 3869

    Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

    It is called obsfucation (correct me if I am wrong ) ......

    They are trying to make it seem like us collectors on GUU are full of sh*t ......

    That our questions and concerns don't have a leg to stand on......

    An internet Q & A would be great ......

    If they truly care about the hobby instead of the dollar !

    I think that format would be detrimental to their business ventures cause it would allow most of us collectors an avenue to easily voice concerns and legitimate questions ......and they know this .....

    Then all would know who is truly full of sh*t......

    Maybe they should try politics for a living , then they could lie , steal , cheat and fit right in with the rest of them , business as usual .....

    How many people here on GUU can afford to just hop on a plane and stay wherever to ask questions to some self-called experts ,when you won't get a straight answer anyways..........
    Thank you,

    This is my email address here!
    dzscope at gmail dot com

    Email is best for personal messages...


    • lund6771
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2006
      • 805

      Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

      unless we'll be to busy at work, I will be at the National in Chiago and will ask Lampson questions..if he's there

      maybe I'll bring a recorder and see if I can do some sort of an informal interview and post it


      • kingjammy24
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 3119

        Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

        a few points:

        - nerat and bushing were apparently surprised that many didn't fly out to chicago for the pleasure of asking taube, bushing, and lampson some questions. that is, they were surprised that individuals with jobs, lives, and families didn't spend several hundred dollars in airfare and hotel costs simply so they could try to get a couple of questions past a moderator to lampson about a green ripken jersey. i'm surprised they find this surprising.

        "hey honey, great news. i spent $600 of our vacation money but i finally got to ask lou lampson about the green ripken!"

        "you what?!..geezus, i hope it was worth it. well what did lou say? what was his $600 answer?"

        "he said he'd have to check his records and get back to me"

        - the idea of a web-based panel q&a seems obvious. however, in terms of asking taube or bushing questions, it hardly seems necessary. both taube and bushing seem to respond to email and phone calls. i could email any question to either of them right now and likely have a response within 24 hrs. the real catch was lampson. good luck getting lampson to agree to such a thing. a lampson web q&a would be the thing. you can have a bushing or taube email q&a any day of the week.

        - i'm a little surprised by bushing's stated desire for some tough questions. every time someone's posed one on this forum, he seemed to go into a foamy-mouthed rage on the mears forum, spewing out nonsensical missives about people hiding behing computers and vendettas. from his previous reactions, it didn't seem as if he enjoyed the tough questions. now he's complaining he didn't get any? the last tough question he got about the krausse jersey practically made him combust. chris nerat, in his PCCE report, wrote that "Dave Hunt..asked what was probably the toughest question of the day; he asked each member to tell the crowd what one item they misauthenticated that they wish they had a another crack at, but unfortunately none of the members really answered the question with any specific detail." i'm not sure how accurate chris' report is but if it's true, then why is bushing lamenting a lack of tough questions when he was apparently unable to answer the one tough question that was asked? noone answered that question with any specific detail? bushing didn't launch into his woeful tale of the dimaggio glove? or the seaver glove? how about the clemens astros jersey with the wrong numbers on the back?



        • jboosted92
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2005
          • 213

          Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

          Originally posted by aeneas01
          dave bushing 04/21/08:

          "I am sorry that so few people that have voiced so many concerns about this hobby in the past either could not nor did not care to join in on the panel discussions. I was really hoping for a better turn out for the panel talks on game used items. The amount of concern on paper could rival "Crime and Punishment" for text space yet it did not come to fruition in the first ever public forum that would have allowed those with concerns to address the very folks they express so much interest in. I know there are expenses involved but it would seem that there would have been a few more concerned people that might have been able to attend. Maybe next time."

          dave bushing 04/18/08:

          John Taube , Lou Lampson and I just finished our panel discussion. I was really expecting to hear some real tough questions but we got questions like whats the best piece we have ever seen, do autographs increase value, etc. etc. We were there but the questions weren't. The toughest question came from David Hunt to see if we wish we could relook at a piece we may have authenticated incorrectly.

          chris nerat 03/18/08:

          Also, I don’t know how many times I have read on the board that people want to confront a certain authenticator about a mistake that was made on a jersey or a bat and they always seem to want to try to email the person. Well, when people found out that Lou was at the National last year, not one single person came up to him and challenged him with any concerns that were mentioned on the board. Also, Lou will be on a panel at the PCCE with other authenticators to help educate collectors. And when that was called to the attention of the members of gameusedforum.com, nobody seemed to want to go to the show in Chicago to talk to Lou.


          you know, it's funny - at their forum and blog these guys talk about the continuing and disappointing decline in show attendance yet, in the same breath, want to know where all of the whiners were when it came to questioning the authenticators that attended the shows. meanwhile mark's questions concerning the fingers and krausse jerseys are blatantly, and i mean blatantly, ignored at the mears forum and nerat could apparently care less about using his blog as a conduit to pose such questions for the benefit of his readers.

          if these authenticators were truly interested in addressing the many legitimate concerns collectors harbor, they would make themselves available for an internet q&a. nerat could spearhead the thing through scd, could determine the place, time and format. but apparently that's crazy talk - everyone knows that the only way to get a straight answer from these guys is to book a hotel room and get on a jet to... wherever.

          Blatantly ignored?? what about the definition was provided, and the 3 examples of jerseys i provided?

          I didnt see any response after that...how come?


          • Moustache Gang
            • Mar 2007
            • 65

            Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?


            I was not ignoring your 3 jersey examples. I have just been overwhelmed with work and did not have time to post on more email after all the time I spent on the Fingers and Krausse jersey over the last 5-6 days.

            First, thank you for taking the time to find three jerseys you believe are the same as the Krausse. Dave came out and stated the Krausse jersey was a sweat stain and your know based on the posts that I did not agree with that for a number of reasons. Troy did post a rarely lengthy post on their website stating the Krausse jersey did have a stain in the lower front. It is not a sweat stain for a couple of reasons. It is a transfer stain and MEARS has agreed to reduce the A10 to an A9.5 or -.5 for the stain. I believe that it the right score/solution to properly grade this jersey. MEARS and I are in total agreement on the Krausse.

            As I posted earlier on another posting, Dave Bushing, Troy and I have talked over the weekend and they have agreed to enhance their scoresheet to make it less subjective and more objective. Again this is something that I have asked for to make jersey scoring clearer for everyone and make it easier for MEARS to grade jerseys in the future.

            Although David, Troy and I had quite a disagreement over the last week, I did receive an email from both yesterday and today trying to put this in the past. David stated on his website post that there is a silver lining in every cloud and I do agree with his observation.

            Last night I sent Troy additional information/evidence on why I disagree with the Fingers assessment score, he has agreed to take another look at the jersey this June after his work volume decreases.

            I do want to thank Rudi, Chris, Aeneas01 and other posters who emailed me and supported me over the last week and continue to support each other.

            I told Chris when this forum is used in the correct way, it is a very powerful vehicle to learn and make positive changes in our industry.

            Thanks again for taking time out of your day to look for flannels.



            • cohibasmoker
              • Aug 2005
              • 2379

              Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?


              Can you elaborate on your statement, I told Chris when this forum is used in the correct way".




              • cohibasmoker
                • Aug 2005
                • 2379

                Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

                Originally posted by cohibasmoker

                Can you elaborate on your statement, I told Chris when this forum is used in the correct way".


                Sorry, my original comment should have read, I told Chris when this forum is used in the correct way, it is a very powerful vehicle to learn and make positive changes in our industry.



                • aeneas01
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2007
                  • 1128

                  Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

                  Originally posted by jboosted92
                  Blatantly ignored?? what about the definition was provided, and the 3 examples of jerseys i provided?

                  I didnt see any response after that...how come?
                  i'm not following - are you with mears?


                  • cohibasmoker
                    • Aug 2005
                    • 2379

                    Re: Why Not An Internet Panel Discussion? Dave? Chris?

                    The majority of forum members can't attend conventions and seminars relating to sports memorabilia because they don't work for or have an interest in a company that would fly them around the country, pay their salary, meals and hotel stay and then list those expenses as a "business expense".

                    Most forum members have families with limited time and money and they participate on the forum when their domestic responsibilites afford them the opportunilty to do so.

                    My vote is for a "live chat" format.


