These are all up in the air Joe. There were tons of bats made of random sizes and styles by dads, kids, small shops, etc. all over the place during the 1800s and even early 1900s.
Say a kids family didn't have much money in 1860 or 1920. His grandpa decides to make him a bat rather than purchase one. He goes out to the barn, pulls out a piece of wood and whips one up. He may not have a piece as large in diameter as pro bats from the era or may have never had one to use as a pattern. Little Johnnie or little Sally gets whatever he makes and plays with it. Heck, I could go out to my shop right now and make one that look exactly like an 1850s bat.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's almost impossible to date bats of this vintage. My label of Mass. bat on the auction piece from this post was based on style and design.