I consider myself to be a very honest person. I would rather take a loss on an item rather than sell it described falsely, which brings me to the question on my mind. This has been bugging me for years, but there was really nothing I could do. I wanted to get everyone else's opinion and see if anything like this has happened to you. This happened several years ago on my father in laws Ebay account. I had, what I thought, was a game used 1990 Oakland A's Jose Canseco jersey. I think I bought it from Grey Flannel, but it's been so long I can't remember. I ended up selling it on ebay for I believe $750, to who, I can't recall. Well, as most of you have guessed by now, this turned out to be a Scoreboard autographed replica jersey and nothing more. I have had this on my mind for years, but did I do anything wrong? It had to have been about 8 years ago, way before I ever found this forum, and before I ever heard of Scoreboard. I feel really sorry for the guy who bought this, but I think in this situation, I cannot be at fault, CAN I? It could have very well been me who ended up with a worthless jersey. I keep telling myself, there was no way I could have known it was not what I was told it was. Does anyone have any opinion on this or have any similiar experiences.

Todd Ricks