Quote Originally Posted by bigtruck260 View Post
I won a set of blue-prints from Jim Edmond's restaraunt - 15 on Locust last year on eBay.

They were very large, and I had no place for them, so I put them in my eBay store when I had it up.

I started getting emails like.."How are you certain that they are the real deal?" and "Don't you think Jimmy would be upset?" and finally one person asked to meet me in person to look at them. We were talking over the phone for a week...and he posed as an interested buyer.

Finally, before the meeting was to happen, the guy introduced himself as Mark Winfield - co-owner of the restaraunt with Edmonds. They had been planning to play a major joke on me, and try to scare me half to death. Seems that the prints were stolen from the job site, and they thought I had been the one who lifted them.

I directed them to the original eBay listing, and we had a laugh. Turns out, it was Jimmy emaling me via eBay the whole time.

He told me I could keep the prints as long as I didn't sell them. I went to eat at 15 in December, and gave the prints back to Mark personally. It's a nice place, but pretty pricey... good food.
WOW That's funny. Some others players would of really gotten upset and would of tried to sue. But it sounds like Edmonds is really cool.