
- stop on the sidewalk and look up at the tall buildings - muggers will pick you out as being a tourist.

- openly carry any kind of map, same reason. If you need to reference a map, do it while sitting and eating or keep it out of sight.

- acknowledge anyone who tries to sell you something while walking down the street. Everyone from crack dealers to cheap sunglasses peddlers will try to get you to stop. Just walk on by and dont make eye contact.

- stop at anyplace with a foofy name if you want a real slice of NY pizza. Places with names like "a taste of Italy" or something are usually trendy places that have lousy pizza. Looks for a pizza place that's called "Luigi's, Mario's or Tony's". Trust me on this one.


- stop by a real Italian bakery and sample the wares. You can usually find a good Italian bakery a few doors down from a good pizza place.

- find a Sabrett hot dog cart and get yourself a "dirty water dog". Dont look into the cart where the hotdogs are cooked, otherwise you wont buy it, but trust me, just get 2 and enjoy!

- get a nice steamy hot extra salty pretzel from outside the stadium.

- enjoy the colors of Yankee Stadium. The grass is a colro green that you've never seen before, the blue stadium walls and the white facade make you glad to have good eyesight.

- make sure you visit the monuments in the outfield. Dont miss that.

- get there early enough to watch the players coming in from the fenced in parking lot to the stadium. Its fun to see what they drive and then they walk between the baricades to the stadium. If you're lucky, you may score an autograph.
