Hi Terry - Yaz's records are very, very long and go back to 1959. Is there a specific period you are looking at researching?

Prior to 1960 he used S2, K48 and B211 model bats. In 1961 he ordered B211, R45, S2, K48, W215 and R43 model bats. From July of 1961, until March of 1964, he exclusively ordered W215 model bats except for one order in 1963 which appears to be S2 model bats. Moving forward from 1964, W183, W215, K55 and W166 were the predominant models in 1964 and 1965. From April of 1965 to July of 1975, he only ordered W215 model bats. After 1975, to the end of his career, he ordered W215, P89, B267, D113, R206, C243, M110 and C271 model bats. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks, Jim