I found this to be reaaly interesting and weird at the same time.

I was watching the show Yankees on Deck its a kids show on the Yes Network, but sometimes I like to watch it because they interview the players and you can learn interesting trivia of the Yankees players and the way the use there Bats and other stuff.

I was watching last nights show and they did a segment on MLB Authetication for the game used lineup cards, things in the dug out and dirt from the field.

Right after the game when everyone clears out the rep goes into the dug out pulls down the line up card and places a MLB Hologram on it.
They also scoop up dirt from the field into a bucket and then tape it closed, then place an MLB Hologram on it.

I thought it was a little strange that they would do a segment like that on a kids show, figuring in my own mind does a kid really care about the process of MLB authenticating. I know when I was a kid I was more interested in Chocolate Ice cream and He-Man