Quote Originally Posted by Vintagedeputy View Post
For 2 days now, all I've seen here is crying and whining about this and that. Why did this person get banned, when is the "for sale" forum coming back, blah blah blah.

For people who dont pay a damn dime to partake in all of this wonderful information that is exchanged here on a daily basis, there sure seems to be some folks who feel that they are entitled to some say in how its run.

I enjoy the benefit of all this free information and I dont piss and moan every other day about things here [sic]. I have stuff that I'd love to sell too. When and if the forum comes back, it comes back. If it never comes back, so be it. If they want to charge ebay style fees to use the site, so be it. It costs money to run a website. I know this first hand. I have a forum on my business site and if I make the decision to boot someone, its my decision. If you dont want to pay the fees, start your own website and stick to your "everything is free" platform and see how long that lasts. The comments I've read here lately blasting the owners of this site and calling them greedy and everything else is assinine. I have read things from folks on this site that I would never have known about game used memoribilia. The knowledge that is here is amazing. People should be happy for anything that they have gotten here for free in the past. Be grateful for what you have already been given and stop looking for someone to spoon feed you on their dime for the rest of your lives

If you dont agree with me, fine. Dont bother posting some long winded reply to try to bait me into an argument because I wont respond. I said my peace.
So let me understand this: everyone else can't cry and complain, except for you?

The members are entitled to suggest how this site should be run. After all, we are the primary reason why this site is successful. I don't care what kind of business you run. Any elementary understanding of ethics would tell you that just because Chris can do what ever he wants, it doesn't mean that he ought to trample over the will of forum members. I am getting sick and tired of people on this forum saying that because they run x business that that means that they can do whatever they want. No they can't. Businesses are not impervious to ethics and common sense. That's why the government can regulate business, has regulated business, and ought to continue to do as such. You can respond if you want; honestly, I don't care. But to attack those of us who want AWA85 back is simply disgusting.