It seems pretty evident from recent posts on this site that some people are looking for a “non-profit” organization to offer services to collectors. Actually, I think the more appropriate term would be a “charity” since even non-profit organizations need to make money to pay their people to run an organization. In this case, it appears the expectation of some (I will say not all) is for everything to be completely free. I also realize that for the first couple of years we did run the site more like a charitable organization than a business. However, GUU is a business and the people involved with GUU need to make money to live just like everyone else. I wish I was independently wealthy and didn’t have to make money to survive but that is simply not the case.

What we have done with GUU, as with any good business, is to try to create an entity that can make money by meeting the needs of consumers. In this case, the consumers are sports memorabilia collectors. What we believed was that the existing systems that relied on individual opinions to validate items left room for improvement. We also believed that a system that was more accountable to the collector would be something collectors would welcome and prefer. From day one we also believed in always doing the right thing ethically and putting “integrity before profits”. I would hope our actions from the beginning of offering most of our services free of charge show our commitment to trying to build something long-term and meaningful.

I also realize there may be some misperceptions in terms of the revenue generated from the site. In fact, there was a post on a separate thread that stated the following, “Simple math guys @ $20 per member x 3000 members = $60,000 a year is not enough to run a website (rolling my eyes) plus the people like me, who $50 a year to be a premium member. I guess a years salary for some of use is just not enough”. As I pointed out in that thread, the variable that the poster forgot to consider is nearly 90% of the people using the GUU site are using a membership that is ‘complimentary’ and we haven’t charged them a dime for any of the services they are using. When that is understood, I think the equation looks a bit different.

In general, GUU has been looking to create a trusted entity in the marketplace where collectors can come with confidence to learn about the industry. The forums on the site have always been free and we will continue to offer those services for free to help improve the hobby. On the business side, we have looked to create a structure where people can also come with confidence to find legitimate merchandise to purchase. We have created a system that is transparent and responsible to the collector and one which we believe protects them from many of the pitfalls in the hobby. For those unaware, the system uses some of the most knowledgeable and trusted individuals in the hobby to perform item evaluations and descriptions and allows collectors to ask all the questions they wish publicly to make sure they know what they are getting before they make a purchase. It also allows anyone from our collective community to publicly comment on an item as long as they have substantiated information.

No system like this has ever existed to protect collectors to the extent it does and I believe it shows our commitment to always trying to do the right thing for the collecting community. We also do not partake in practices like “shill bidding” or any of the other supposed questionable practices in the hobby which is why I wasn’t at all nervous when the FBI introduced themselves to me at the National (the fact is they were very complimentary of our site and company and wanted to let us know they read our site as an informational source). Our commitment to integrity is also one of the main reasons we have been chosen as exclusive distributors for the Cowboys/Steiner program. There are other things that may be happening soon that will help GUU and the rest of the hobby. As stated previously, we have created a brand that collectors trust (that is the consistent feedback we were getting from collectors and dealers alike at the National) and it is a reputation we will guard fervently.

So where does that leave us now and what does it mean for the ‘For Sale’ section? I think the question is how to couple the need GUU has to maintain its reputation as a seller that doesn’t partake in offering questionable items with the desire of collectors to have a selling platform where they can list items themselves. While I am not saying everyone is going to try to offer questionable items on the site, the issue involves what happens if there are problems with items transacted among members of GUU. As I stated previously, most of you will simply say it is between the buyer and the seller. However, we have already had someone go on eBay and state we allowed him to be “ripped off” by a GUU forum member in one of their transactions when the previously ‘For Sale’ section existed. Again, you might say this isn’t a reflection on GUU but many might not know the circumstances and may believe it to be true. Also, without our involvement, we will not be able to protect collectors the way we have always intended to protect them.

On the other hand, we also have heard the desire for collectors to have a platform for them to sell items to other collectors. We do listen to our community and here is a solution we have some up with that we believe will meet both needs:

GUU will open a “Collector to Collector Classifieds" forum where collectors can sell among themselves. It will not be a forum for dealers, businesses or professional teams looking to sell their merchandise but simply a collector forum. In that forum, GUU will have no involvement in the evaluations of items or the transactions whatsoever nor will we moderate the forum. If there are any problems with transactions they will need to be resolved independent of GUU. We will also be putting a sale price limit on the items of $500. We simply will not run the risk of someone getting taken for big money which can lead to major problems. If any of these rules are broken the poster will be suspended. We are offering this at our members’ request and it is not something we will be moderating, sending emails to offenders, etc. Selling on this forum will be free and is being offered exclusively at the request of the members. However, buyers need to be aware there are no guarantees to the claims of sellers and you are buying at your on risk.

We also want to make it clear that the “Collector to Collector Classifieds" forum will have nothing to do with GUU’s selling model and GUU will not be accountable for any false representations, shipping of incorrect items, etc. We are targeting having the forum open tomorrow or Wednesday. Please let me know if you have any questions.