Hi again Robert--

I found the remaining records-- they had slipped out of the file folder when I removed the file to reply. Anyway, here goes:

Models: S2, S2C
Length: 36 inches
Weight: 32 - 34 ounces (most 34)

Models: S2
Length:36 inches
Weight; 32 - 34 ounces

1984 - 1985;
Models:C271, S2 (most S2)
Length: 35 - 35 1/2 inches (most 35 1/2)
Weight; 32 - 33 ounces (most 33)

1986 - 1986:
Models: S2, C243
Length: 35 - 35 1/2 inches
weigth; 32 - 33 ounces


Kingman's last order as A Major league player was shipped on 7/3/86 (Oakland A's).

In 1987 Kingman had orders of Models C243 and S2 shipped to him at Phoenix Firebirds These bats would have 1986 - 1989 labeling.

In 1989 Kingman played in the Senior professional Baseball League and ordered model K55 and S2 bats. These also would have 1986 - 1989 labeling.
