Quote Originally Posted by JimCaravello View Post
I spent a lot of time there as a kid too - and loved the place - have some great memories at Shea in the early 70's - As a family went there more than Yankee Stadium as my dad did not like to go make the trip to the Bronx. My comment really relates to the age of the Stadium and the long history that other parks have that are still standing - also, my comment is about the ebay price of $2000 for the pair. That's a little ridiculous. I think the Mets online price is really quite good. Sounds like all the lower level orange seats are gone through an online inquiry.

Didn't mean to offend you - and if I did, I apologize - sometime in the future I will get a pair of those orange seats and display them proudly in my sports room with my Yankees seats...........
No problem, Jim. I know Shea seats aren't quite the investment that those other stadium seats would be - you would know, you've got a few of them I see - but for me this is one of those times it's not about that. I'm happy to be able to have something that connects with those great memories, especially having been able to take my 5 year old daughter to her first Mets game at the place I went as a kid before they tear it down. Nice to hear you had some good times there too.

I agree that Shea certainly doesn't have the same history as those others and I appreciate those places too. Shea's still tops in my book and I'm sorry to see it go actually.

I'm with you on that eBay listing... outrageous. When I first visited your link, I thought that was a typo!

As for the Shea prices, it was more than I wanted to spend - one seat would have been fine too - but I bit the bullet. I was lucky enough to grab a set of the orange seats early this morning.