Quote Originally Posted by trsent View Post
Dan, now the interesting part - How much was the last bid from a real bidder, say before the possible sniper?
There were two bids that were not mine between $145 and $150. I am assuming that at least one of these had to be real? But that is pure speculation. The last time the item was put up with a reserve that was not met and I was the high bidder at $101. The seller offered the item to me at $150 plus shipping and I declined because I just didn't want to spend the money at the time. I think people hate reserve price auctions and that kept bidding down. I think the seller realized this also, and did the regular auction. He started it at either $9.99 or .99, I can't remember which, so the alarms were going off in my head about the possibility of a shill bid from the word go because I knew what he wanted to get for it. A while back, ( a couple of months before he listed it on eBay) he and I exchanged emails about the item, which he told me he paid $250 for.