I have been looking for jerseys of two former Bison players who both played in the NFL for over a decade each and for the same team their whole careers. I have searched EVERYWHERE looking for a jersey of theirs and have found NOTHING. I finally decided to email both of them and let them know that if they ever came across an extra jersey from someone and were willing to live without it, to please pass the contact on to me. The BOTH took one look at my website and A. said that there are no jerseys of theirs out on the market because in the 80's and early 90's they didn't have multiple jerseys and at the end of the year they would ask to keep their jersey and were granted their request oh and B. they said send me your address and I will send you one! WOW! These two pieces will put me OVER THE TOP as far as not only being the only person with a collection like this, but the collection will almost be complete, which is amazing. My boy below on a side note, was the 2nd leading tackler in the WHOLE NFL in the preseason and made the Eagles final roster. Joe Mays......remember him! Thanks for listening to me brag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!