you thought the 2000 Mets Rawlings jersey problems were discussed to it's conclusion read on. After I tried to photomatch my 2000 Ventura three interesting things were revealed.
At first I was really mad to see that the placement of the "Y" in "YORK" didn't match what I was seeing in Corbis and Getty.

In my 2000 jersey the blue piping went through the "Y" and in Franco's 2000 jersey image the blue piping barely touches the left side of the "Y".
If you think I was pissed after I found out the jersey was shortened, this really pushed me over the edge. In researching the 2000 Mets away gray there are three (3) variations of "Y" placement. Read on only if you are a mad scientist about these things or you're about to purchase one and need to be aware.
The picture above is Franco from 10/5/2000. The picture below is Ventura from 10/5/2000. The same game ,different jerseys. Luckily Ventura is wearing my variation(piping barely touches franco's "Y"-piping goes through Ventura's "Y").

And yet another 2000 "Y" variation (below) with Super Joe Ewing sporting the piping way over to the right of the "Y".

So there you have it. The same year,and in some instances the same game,three variations on letter placement. I need to get a life.