Quote Originally Posted by momen55 View Post
..including someone who stated that this particular front font was not used until 1990--I have photographic card evidence that the baby blue jerseys did use this same style on the front during this time period.
the particular font wasn't used on HOME jerseys (which is what the seller is offering) until 1990. the baby blues were the road jerseys and the seller is correct that the smooth-edged font was indeed used on the ROAD jerseys starting in 1979, however the road baby blues were made by rawlings. what relevance does the font on the rawlings road jerseys have on the wilson home jerseys? they're two different animals.

besides, the font is the least of his problems. the biggest, by far, is the neck and sleeve trim. it's in the complete opposite order that it should be, indicating that it's not even a toronto blue jays shirt of any sort. i'm eager to hear his friend explain that one.
