Quote Originally Posted by wjonesIII View Post
Keep fishing Joel. The jerseys were sold as practice worn by the players trainer. Without pictures, I can't prove they were worn. What Heritage can tell by simply handling the jerseys is the same thing Grey Flannel can tell you. These jerseys show the appearance of jerseys that have been worn.

JSA used their exemplar library and found the signatures to match known exemplars of the players signatures. I don't care what anyone says, JSA has been unable to authenticate genuine autographs of LeBron, Wade, etc. a countless number of times due to the difficulty of authenticating signatures of these modern layers. Anyone who has got LeBron in person to sign, and then had the signatures fail JSA or PSA will tell you the same thing. It doesn't make JSA or PSA bad, it just means they are very careful and that they will fail real signatures because of lack of like exemplars.

The signatures on the LeBron USA shoes do not match perfectly with the signature on the LeBron USA jersey. LeBron's signature on UDA items is not consistent, and that is easy to prove and obvious.

I have already said I know David Archibald, and I do have a financial interest in making sure the facts about these jerseys are available. GUU deprives it's members of certain comments and opinions, so I am making this post. Check the IP addresses. I will not comment on this thread anymore, as it is obvious you think that JSA made a mistake on these jerseys, and you think the trainer is a liar. I do not know why Heritage doesn't replay to you, but I know Joe Orlando just wrote an article for PSA about what he thinks about people like you who attack auction houses via threads before giving them ample time to first respond.

The jerseys Heritage are auctioning are the exact jerseys the trainer said were player worn. When and where they were worn, I don't know for a fact but I have held these jerseys in my own hand and you can verify from the trainer that they went from the trainer to William Jones III to David Archibald. Those are the facts. I have no more to offer to this thread. if anyone here knows any of the Redeem Team players, please ask them to verify the authenticity of these jerseys.
Ok, so suddenly you obtained these jerseys and sold them to David Archibald. Why did you hid this until now? Like all along the consignor suddenly found you and emailed you? Like suddenly you quote that the consignor is trying to get a letter from the trainer while all along William Jones III is the contact who is trying to get a letter from a trainer?

Why play these games with the community on Game Used Universe? Tell the truth from the start and maybe there will be no issues.

The players do not know what characteristics of any jerseys they wear are. Stop with your games and excuses and find a photo style match for these jerseys already or stop playing games. I assume you also obtained the shoes that David Archibald has been told the autographs are unable to authenticate.

I gave Heritage Auctions time to respond and asked the community here to help me find photos of the players in this style of jersey awaiting for a response. No photos have been found because it appears they do not exist.

Finally, used basketball jerseys generally show minor or slight wear if any at all so I would stop with your argument that these show great wear as it is beginning to look that they may have been worn but not by the USA Olympic players as even the autograph source is suspect.

Good luck with that letter that first David Archibald is trying to obtain but now you must be working on because you hid your interest in this lot to us all along. Even such a letter, without any photo style matches of this style of jersey, is worthless unless you can come up with the magic photos I have searched countless hours for myself and have found none.