Josh Hamilton had a signing of his new book "Beyond Belief" in Arliington, TX last night. The store was supposed to have sold 500 copies and given arm bands to the people who bought them. When we got there at 6pm they had sold out of the scheduled 500 arm bands and were continuing to sell books. We bought several copies and got in line. Hamilton was supposed to sign from 7 to 9 pm. There was a question with the store employees who were telling people he would not stay after 9pm. There were probalby at least another extra 500 people. Then when Hamilton got there, on time, he put out the word he would sign for everyone there. We stood in line for almost 2 hours while he was signing. Whe we got to the table he shook hands with each person and spoke to everyone rather than just rush through. When we left there was still a long line behind us at 9 pm. When the store oversold a lot of athletes wouldn't have stayed past the agreed on time. Hamilton not only stayed, he made it a plesasnt experience by shaking hands and speaking to everyone while he signed. We all complain about athletes from time to time, but when some was as gracious as Hamilton was, it deserves to be noticed. He may have signed for around 1,000 people.