Quote Originally Posted by legaleagle92481 View Post
Not to me. One is a running back who when it is all said and done will probably have had a career similar to Barry Sanders. The other is a safety. Granted Troy is an amazing future hall of fame player but no defensive player should be valued the same as the likely top running back of this generation. To put it another way would you pay the same for Ronnie Lott as you would for Barry Sanders? I sure would not. The most valuable jerseys are QBs and RBs hands down because of all the attention they get and the fact that they can be measured by quantifiable stats. And some would argue Troy is not even this generation's best safety but rather Ed Reed is. In fact USA Today named Ed and not Troy its top safety of the 2000s.

I agree that's why I passed, but someone will pay such a good amount for a Polamalu piece, especially a die hard Steelers fan.